
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaozhanlong
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目的:探讨徒手旋转胎头纠正胎头位置异常的方法、效果。方法:观察组在活跃期出现枕后位、枕横位,产程进展延缓或停滞,进行徒手旋转胎头操作。将右手食指、中指分开形成40°夹角紧贴胎头枕部,根据胎方位行顺时针或逆时针方向旋转成枕前位,待下一阵宫缩感到胎头下降固定并不回转时将手抽出。若宫口已开全,感到头盆紧贴不易转动时,可用五指分开握住胎头将胎头稍向上推,使其松动后再转。对照组仅采取改变产妇体位。结果:分娩结局统计分析,观察组较对照组,在成功转成枕前位自阴道分娩例数、产程时间、新生儿窒息及新生儿头皮血肿方面都有统计学意义。结论:徒手旋转胎头操作有效可行,能缩短产程,提高阴道分娩率,降低新生儿窒息及新生儿头皮血肿并发症。 Objective: To explore the method and effect of correcting the abnormal fetal head position by rotating the fetal head by hand. Methods: In the active group, the occiput posterior position, occipital transverse position, delayed or delayed progress of labor were observed in the observation group. Will be the right index finger, middle finger separately formed angle of 40 ° close to the fetal head occipital, according to the fetal line clockwise or counterclockwise rotation into the pillow before the bit, until the next contraction of the fetal head felt a fixed decline does not turn hand Out If the cervix is ​​full, feel the first basin is not easy to rotate close, you can use the fingers to hold the fetal head separately from the fetal head will push up slightly to make it loose and then turn. The control group only changed the maternal position. Results: Statistical analysis of delivery end-result showed that the observation group had statistically significant compared with the control group in terms of the number of vaginal delivery, delivery time, neonatal asphyxia and neonatal scalp hematoma transferred into the anterior occipital region. Conclusion: Manual rotation of the fetal head is effective and feasible, which can shorten the labor process, increase the vaginal delivery rate and reduce the complications of neonatal asphyxia and neonatal scalp hematoma.
目的 探讨影响拉米夫定抗乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)疗效的相关因素.方法 采用前瞻性和回顾性相结合的方法收集资料,53例患者均口服拉米夫定100mg/d治疗至少12个月,停药观察至少6个月.结果 疗程超过1年的患者在治疗期间的病毒学应答情况与性别、年龄、疗程、HBV基因型以及治疗前的ALT、HBV DNA水平无关,停药6个月后的持续应答情况与上述因素中的HBV基因型及ALT、HBV DNA水平有关.结论
目的:分析温岭市妇幼保健院2013年-2015年30 371名新生儿听力筛查结果。方法:选择温岭市妇幼保健院在2012年10月-2015年9月出生的30 371名新生儿作为研究对象,所有新生儿均于