NATION DCS-405ME彩电TEA系列集成电路资料

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国内组装的NATION DCS-405 ME14英寸彩色电视机中采用TEA 5620和TEA 5030两块集成电路来完成彩色信号解码功能,采用TEA 2015 A集成电路来完成场扫描功能。TEA集成电路是法国汤姆逊公司生产的。这类集成块目前在国内市场比较难买到,价格较贵,所以只能考虑用其他集成电路来代换。经分析和实验,TEA5620集成电路可用日本松下公司的AN5620集成电路来代换,TEA5030集成电路可用AN5612集成电路代换,对应的国产集成电路为DG5612或BL5612;TEA2015A集成电路可用TDA1170来代替;效果均很好。 (一)测试参数这三种集成电路的在线电压数据分别如表1、表2、表3所列。表2中引脚3、6、9为0.7V的脉冲。所有数据用500型万用表在有信号情况下测得。 Domestic assembled NATION DCS-405 ME14 inch color TV using TEA 5620 and TEA 5030 two integrated circuits to complete color signal decoding, the use of TEA 2015 A integrated circuit to complete the field scanning. TEA IC is produced by the French company Thomson. Such integrated blocks are currently more difficult to buy in the domestic market, the price is more expensive, so only consider using other integrated circuits to replace. After analysis and experiment, the TEA5620 integrated circuit can be replaced by AN5620 integrated circuit of Japan’s Panasonic Corporation. The TEA5030 integrated circuit can be replaced by the AN5612 integrated circuit, and the corresponding domestic integrated circuit is DG5612 or BL5612; the TEA2015A integrated circuit can be replaced by TDA1170; well. (A) Test Parameters The online voltage data of these three integrated circuits are listed in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. Table 3, pin 3,6,9 0.7V pulse. All data is measured with a 500 Multimeter in the presence of a signal.
柿树在山西省南部栽培历史悠久。现在临汾市土门镇羊村尚有树龄达400年的柿树。临汾地区境内,以翼城、襄汾、曲沃栽培较多。所栽柿树大都属于涩柿类,仅柿(D.kaki L.)一种,共