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早起,很久以来,对我来说都是一种奢侈的幸福。偶尔,也会偎在被窝里遥想当年,想曾经有那么一个明眸如水的女孩,总是赶在天没亮的时候起床,像赴一个神秘的约会似的走进那片树林中,踏着朝雾和落叶,看白雾轻歌曼舞,听小鸟呼朋引伴,一步步走向梦境深处。如今,即便是在夜晚,我也很少做梦了。每天的日程排得满满的,到了深夜,无梦无思地一头倒在床上睡去,仿佛再也不想醒来似的。偶尔在夜半醒来,看见床头那仿佛凝固了似的月光,便觉心里有一种冰凉的东西涌上来,直涌上眼眶,那一刻脑子里清醒得可怕。这个冬天的早晨,我竟然奇迹般地起了个大早,这使我整个儿沉浸在一种久违的兴奋中。我把窗户大开,一股清晨所特有的气息扑面而来,让我从里到外都觉分外清爽。平素灰蒙蒙的楼群此刻仿佛被一只纤巧的手镀上了一层亮色,那是好心的晨光仙女的手,在白雾袅袅而去时,气定神闲地在所有事物之上轻洒她那温柔而圣洁的光。站在窗前,我第一次发现我的小屋里看得见风景的。楼下那片每日看起来蔫蔫的竹林这会儿也在晨风中乘兴起舞呢,也许是因为有对面阳台上的那群小鸟的伴奏吧,远处那几棵梧桐树的叶子依然清绿,有几片在风中飘转着落下,又在地上跳跃不已。 Getting up early, for a long time, is a luxury for me. Occasionally, will be nestled in the blanket back in the past, I would like to have such a bright eyes water girl always catch up in the dark when the morning wake up like going to a mysterious dating into the woods, marching toward Fog and leaves, see the white fog light Man dance, listen to birds and friends, a step by step toward the depths of dreams. Today, I rarely dream, even at night. The daily schedule is full, to the late night, without a dream falling down in bed, as if no longer want to wake up like. Occasionally woke up in the middle of the night, I saw the bed that seemed frozen like moonlight, I felt there was a kind of cold in my heart coming up, straight into the eyes, that moment awake awake mind. This winter morning, I actually miraculously got up early, leaving me whole immersed in a long absence of excitement. I opened the window, an early morning atmosphere unique to me, let me feel particularly fresh from the inside out. At the moment, it seemed as though a delicately hand had a layer of bright color plated on it, and it was the hand of the good morning dawn fairy who sprinkled her lightly on everything except the curl of white mist That gentle and holy light Standing at the window, for the first time, I found the scenery in my cabin. Downstairs piece of bamboo that looks shy every day now also dancing in the morning breeze, perhaps because of the group of birds on the balcony opposite the accompaniment of it, in the distance that few leaves of Plank Tree still Green, there are a few pieces falling in the wind drift, and endless jump on the ground.
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