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由全国工商联房地产商会与安家杂志社联合主办的中国房地产业盛会——地产年度风云榜,自2003年举办以来,至今已近十年,早已成为云集政府主管部门、房地产业内相关企业、金融投资界等领导与行业精英的盛典,并赢得了“地产奥斯卡”的美誉。十年来,地产年度风云榜以“和谐社会,健康地产”为主题,恰如其分地表达了行业在国家经济建设中的重要位置:在当前中国,房地产行业事关重大、牵涉甚广,每一个从业人员和企业都应当勇于承担起社会责任,着力促进房地产行业的健康发展,为党中央国务院提出的“构建和谐社会”的伟大目标贡献出合格的企业公民应尽的一份义务。十年来,地产年度风云榜始终致力于推动中国地产业的健康和谐发展,始终坚持正确的舆论 Since 2007, China Real Estate Summit, a real estate event hosted by All-China Federation of Industry Real Estate Chamber of Commerce and Allianz Magazine, has been for nearly ten years and has long been a gathering place for government departments, related enterprises in the real estate industry, financial investment Industry and other leaders and industry elite festival, and won the “real estate Oscars ” in the world. Ten years, the real estate annual Billboard to “harmonious society, healthy real estate ” as the theme, aptly expressed the industry in the country’s economic construction in an important position: In the current China, the real estate industry is very important, involving a lot, each Practitioners and enterprises should all have the courage to shoulder their social responsibilities and strive to promote the healthy development of the real estate industry. They should contribute to the obligation that qualified corporate citizens should fulfill for the great goal of “building a harmonious society” proposed by the Party Central Committee and State Council. Ten years, real estate annual Billboard has always been committed to promoting the healthy and harmonious development of China’s real estate industry, and always adhere to the correct opinion
本文介绍用正交法设计磨削力实验过程,定量分析了磨削用量对磨削力的影响. In this paper, the orthogonal experiment was used to design the process of grinding force,
在实时控制和各种智能仪器仪表中,微电脑起着指挥调度、信息的采集、处理和控制等作用。其中,对于信息的处理,通常是将实时采集的信息进行 A/D 转换并经适当处理,然后将此“