Last Words

来源 :中学英语园地(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maigao
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M r Y oung w orked in a factory.H e was an able worker.H e could getm ore m oney than his workm ates.H is wife w as able,too.She did all thehousework and took good care of their children.They w ere never worriedabout food or clothes.But they were both m i M r Y oung w orked in a factory.H e was an able worker.H e could getm ore m oney than his workm ates.H is wife w as able,too.She did all thehousework and took good care of their children. They w ere never worriedabout food or clothes.But they were both mi
The undersea world is very beautiful.Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find secrets.Scuba diving is a news port to-day.It can take you into
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1.another,the other,other,others,the others(1)another泛指三个或三个以上的人或物中的“另一个”、“又一个”,可用来代替或修饰可数名词单数。例如:I donEt like this s
In Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, there is a Children Restaurant. There its manager, cashiers, waiters or waitresses and other mem-bers are all children fro