就是这个人,就是这个叫Luca laconi-Stewart的24岁的年轻设计师。嗯,警察叔叔,就是他,就是他。这个家伙用马尼拉文件纸板成功制作了一架1:60的波音777飞机模型,一模一样哦,连机舱中的微型座椅、脚踏、头等舱的小台灯、乘务员工作间的门帘、飞机舱门的铰链、飞机引擎的推力反向器、起落架都一模一样。他花费了整整5年的时间,才完成了这个令人咂舌惊叹的飞机模型。好吧,我们可以开始崇拜耐得住寂寞、坐得住板凳的模型界大神了。
This is the man, the 24-year-old young designer Luca Laconi-Stewart. Well, police uncle, that is him, is him. This guy successfully produced a 1:60 Boeing 777 airplane model using Manila paperboard. It was exactly the same, even with miniature seats, pedals, first-class small desk lamps in the cabin, curtains in the flight attendants’ workroom, Hinges, thrust reversers for aircraft engines, landing gear are exactly the same. It took him a full five years to complete the jaw-dropping airplane model. Well, we can begin to worship the model gods who are so lonely and able to sit on the bench.