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全疆第六届优秀广播节目、第二届优秀电视节目评选工作从3月7日开始到3月25日结束。评选结果是:区、地(州、市)、县三级广播电视台站,有100件优秀作品获奖。在这100件作品中,广播节目70件,电视节目30件;在特等、一等、二等、三等各等级中,汉、维、哈、蒙、柯5种语言的广播和电视节目都占有一定比例。此外,还有24件广播、电视作品获荣誉奖。这些数字表明:1987年,是我区广播电视新闻改革获得新丰收,区地(州、市)县各级视听园地竞相争妍,汉维哈蒙柯各民族语言声频和荧屏相映生辉的一年。 Xinjiang’s sixth excellent radio program, the second outstanding television program selection work from March 7 to March 25 end. The selection results are: District, (state, city), county three radio and television stations, 100 outstanding works award. Among the 100 works, there are 70 radio programs and 30 television programs. Radio and television programs in Han, Uyghur, Ha, Mongol and Ke languages ​​at the top, first, second and third levels Possession of a certain percentage. In addition, there are 24 radio and television works honorable mention. These figures show that in 1987, the reform of radio and television news in our area gained a new harvest. The audiovisual fields at various prefectures (prefectures and cities) prefecture competed against each other, and the audio and screen of Hanweichao Ke ethnic languages ​​matched one another year.
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