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威盛公司邀请全球最具影响力的信息市场分析公司Dataquest资深分析师以及台湾咨询工业策进会市场情报中心(MIC)于近日举行“威盛电子科技论坛——划世纪科技蓝图”研讨会。威盛电子亚太区市场行销总监郑永健先生表示,对于国内近来提倡的科技建国的目标十分赞同,而且也十分推崇国内电脑市场雄厚的实力及惊人的潜在商机,所以威盛电子决定于今年起具体且多面的投入国内信息产业建设的发展。威盛将在今年于国内各主要城市如北京、上海、深圳等地设立行销及技术研展中心,希望透过落实科技于国内扎根的理想,结合国内一流科技人才,共同开创新世纪的产品。据了解,威盛以目前在芯片组市场的占有率及各项产品的发展规划,该公司预估将有机会于今年底成为全球最大芯片组供应商,并进而在2002年成为全球最大的集成电路设计公司。 VIA Technologies Inc. invited the world’s most influential information market analyst company, Dataquest senior analyst, and Taiwan Consulting Industry Council’s Market Intelligence Center (MIC) to hold the VIA Electronic Technology Forum - Century Technology Blueprint Seminar recently. Mr. Zheng Yongjian, Marketing Director of VIA Electronics Asia Pacific, said that he is very much in favor of the recent domestic goals of scientific and technological founding. He also highly praises the strength of the domestic computer market and the potential for spectacular business opportunities. Therefore, VIA Electronics has decided to be specific and multifaceted this year. Put into the development of domestic information industry construction. VIA will set up marketing and technology research and development centers in major cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen this year. It hopes that through the implementation of the ideal of science and technology taking root in China, it will combine domestic first-rate scientific and technological talents to jointly create new century products. It is understood that VIA’s current market share in the chipset market and development plans for various products, the company expects to have the opportunity to become the world’s largest chipset supplier by the end of this year, and then become the world’s largest integrated circuit in 2002 design company.
推散工作牵扯到多个方面,多个环节,有许多问题要抓。但要想提高工作效率,必须正确把握工作重点。抓好了重点,才能带动全局,达到事半功倍的效果。 应当说,任何工作在不同的阶
不管哪种形式 搞好就行不论归谁所有 交税就行不论公有私有 发展就行 Regardless of what kind of work is done, no matter who is going to be the owner, all taxes will
笔记本电脑和我们桌上的台式机到底有何不同?一篇使用心得将会为你揭开它的朦胧面纱,让你对它不再陌生。没准儿哪天它真的向你走来了呢! What is the difference between a l