为了有助于全面了解和评价番木瓜完整植株对番木瓜环斑病毒(PRV)的抗、感病性机制,建立单细胞侵染模型是一个重要途径。本研究首次建立了PRV-番木瓜原生质体实验体系;建立了检测 PRV的间接Dot-ELISA和检测PRV-RNA的 cDNA分子探针的方法和技术,并利用这2个检测技术对PRV在番木瓜原生质体中的行为动态进行了初步探索。
To help fully understand and evaluate the mechanism of papaya ringspot virus (PRV) resistance and susceptibility, establishing a single-cell infection model is an important approach. In this study, the PRV-papaya protoplast assay system was established for the first time. Indirect Dot-ELISA to detect PRV and cDNA molecular probe to detect PRV-RNA were established. The detection of PRV in papaya Protoplasts in the behavioral dynamics of a preliminary exploration.