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本文收集北宋金代窖藏38座,出土瓷器数量达1800余件。首先对其出土瓷器进行了考古类型学分析,在此基础上进行了分组(两组)和年代研究,结果表明,第一组的瓷器年代约在北宋中期至金代早期,窖藏年代是北宋晚期至金代早期;第二组的瓷器年代约在金代中晚期,窖藏年代是金代晚期。然后,对四个问题做了分析和探讨:第一,窖藏分区与区域特点,窖藏大致可分为中原华北、东北、西北和东南四个区域。中原华北和东南地区的窖藏以瓷器为多,东北和西北地区的窖藏是除了瓷器外,还有较多的铁器和铜器等。第二,窖藏形成原因,北宋末金代初年和金代晚期北方地区战争频繁,人们不停地逃避战乱,逃难时不能带走的物品,只有埋藏在地下了。第三,窖藏主人,有四种身份,即一般老百姓、寺庙人员、商贾、官吏阶层,大部分主人是一般老百姓。第四,窖藏出土瓷器反映当时的窑业生产和产品的销售情况,影响较大的定窑和景德镇窑瓷器出土较广,四个区域均有出土。其他窑瓷器基本上都出土于本地或附近的窖藏。 This collection of 38 gold cellars in the Northern Song Dynasty unearthed up to 1,800 pieces of porcelain. First of all, the unearthed porcelain was analyzed by archeology. On the basis of the analysis, the grouping (two groups) and the age studies were conducted. The results show that the porcelain of the first group was dated from the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty to the early of the Jin Dynasty, and the cellar was the late Northern Song Dynasty To the early Jin Dynasty; the second group of porcelain dating about the middle and late Jin Dynasty, cellar age is the late Jin Dynasty. Then, the four questions are analyzed and discussed: First, the cellar partition and regional characteristics, the caves can be roughly divided into four regions: North China, Northeast China, Northwest China and Southeast China. Central Plains North China and southeast of the cellars to porcelain as much, the northeast and northwest cellars in addition to porcelain, there are more iron and bronze and so on. Second, the reason for the formation of cellars was that in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty and early Northern Dynasties, the wars in the north were frequent. People kept escaping the war and fleeing and could not take away goods, only buried in the ground. Third, the owner of the cellar, there are four identities, that is, ordinary people, temple staff, merchants, officials, most of the masters are ordinary people. Fourth, the porcelain unearthed in the cellar reflected the production of the kiln at that time and the sales of the products. The kilns with larger influence and the porcelain ware of Jingdezhen kiln were unearthed widely and unearthed in all four regions. Other kiln porcelain are basically unearthed in local or nearby cellars.
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