
来源 :常州工业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanhsy
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城市建设的发展,高层房屋建筑日趋增多,因而钢筋砼墙作为箱形基础一部分或作为抗侧力结构的剪力墙被广泛采用。在质量监督和检查工作中,现浇砼墙的质量问题,不乏存在,其中最严重的是炸模现象,造成墙体凹凸不平,甚至倾斜变形。由于房间功能要求,砼墙体尺寸难以定型统一,制作整片大模板现浇墙体砼有困难,施工中通常采用组合小钢模,配置定型钢管作支承件组装而成。支承钢管间距实践中往往不认真验算,凭借经验配置(间距采用800mm~1000mm),采用对销螺丝抵抗砼侧压力(常用φ12~ With the development of urban construction, high-rise housing construction is increasing day by day. As a result, reinforced concrete walls are widely used as part of box foundations or as shear walls that resist lateral forces. In the quality supervision and inspection work, there are many problems in the quality of cast-in-situ concrete walls. The most serious one is the phenomenon of frying, resulting in uneven walls and even sloping deformation. Due to the room’s functional requirements, the size of the wall is difficult to shape and uniform, and it is difficult to make the entire large-size cast-in-situ wall. In the construction, a small steel mold is usually used to assemble the fixed steel pipe as a support component. The distance between the supporting steel tubes is often not carefully checked in practice. With the experience configuration (between 800mm and 1000mm in spacing), the counter-pin screws are used to resist the radial pressure (usually φ12~
一、前言 1981年,我厂试制成功预应力混凝土环形截面檩条和立柱(以下简称圆形构件),经鉴定投入批量生产。因这种圆形构件强发高,刚度大.外形美观,价格便宜,施工方便。深受广
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23、水泵偏离寓效点运行能耗大小如何? 怎样计算多损耗的功率? 答:一些选型配套不合理的井泵,如低扬程的泵用在高扬程下抽水和高扬程的泵用在低扬程下抽水等,水泵都会偏离高
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