First Principle Study of Ferromagnetism in Cr-Doped In_2O_3

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq414363439
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We present a first principle study of Cr-doped In2O3 system using density func-tional theory. The obtained results show that the Cr ion prefers the cation site of the center of trigonally distorted octahedron and converges to high spin-polarized configuration in the ground state. The hybridization between d-states and the donor states is strong, and the spin-split donor impurity-band model is found to be the most favorable mechanism for the ferromagnetism in this system. The good ferromagnetic property of high Curie temperature is discussed in view of the electronic structure analyses. We present a first principle study of Cr-doped In 2 O 3 system using density func- tional theory. The obtained results show that the Cr ion prefers the cation site of the center of trigonally distorted octahedron and converges to high spin-polarized configuration in the ground state The hybridization between d-states and the donor states is strong, and the spin-split donor impurity-band model is found to be the most favorable mechanism for the ferromagnetism in this system. The good ferromagnetic property of high Curie temperature is discussed in view of the electronic structure analyzes
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时间:三国。地点:赤壁。人物:一时多少豪杰,更有小乔初嫁了。事件:羽扇纶巾,谈笑间、樯橹灰飞烟灭。语态:故垒西边,遥想公瑾当年;故国神游,一樽还酹江月。情感 :多情应笑我,早生华发。  江山如画,人生如梦,再来一樽还酹江月……啥也别说了!遥想吴宇森当年,在香港的小教堂里憋憋屈屈地放鸽子,还放出来个“暴力美学”这头怪兽。那时的观众没挑没拣,没心没肺,随随便便拉起哥们儿的手、勾肩搭背、惺惺相惜,躲进狭