Characteristics of Deformation Layer for Vermicular Iron under Dry Sliding Friction

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gksd2009
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At room temperature,dry sliding wear tests were carried out using pin-on-disc test rig,in which the pin is made of vermicular iron and the disc is made of 40 Cr steel.The microstructures of the frictional surfaces for the pin specimens were investigated.Under the action of both frictional heat and frictional shearing stress,aplastic deformation layer under the frictional surface is formed.The morphology and properties of the plastic deformation layer depend on specimen material,contact pressure and frictional shearing stress.In the plastic deformation layer,the phosphorous mass percent varies at different depth and results in different hardness.On the outer side of surface,the hardness is the biggest and the phosphorous mass percent is the highest.They become gradually small from outer side to inner side of the surface. At room temperature, dry sliding wear tests were carried out using pin-on-disc test rig, in which the pin is made of vermicular iron and the disc is made of 40 Cr steel. Microstructures of the frictional surfaces for the pin tests were investigated.Under the action of both frictional heat and frictional shearing stress, aplastic deformation layer under the frictional surface is formed. morphology and properties of the plastic deformation layer depend on the specimen material, contact pressure and frictional shearing stress. , the phosphorous mass percent varies at different depth and results in different hardness. On the outer side of surface, the hardness is the biggest and the phosphorous mass percent is the highest.
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