Use of a new retrograde filling material(Biodentine) for endodontic surgery: two case reports

来源 :International Journal of Oral Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gz200009
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Mineral trioxide aggregate(MTA) is considered at the present time as the gold standard for root-end filling in endodontic surgery.However, this biocompatible material presents several drawbacks such as a long setting time and handling difficulties. The aim of this article is to present a new commercialized calcium silicate-based material named Biodentine with physical improved properties compared to MTA in a clinical application. Two endodontic microsurgeries were performed by using specific armamentarium(microsurgical instrumentation, ultrasonic tips) under high-power magnification with an operatory microscope. Biodentine was used as a root-end filling in order to seal the root canal system. The two cases were considered completely healed at 1 year and were followed for one more year. The 2-year follow-up consolidated the previous observation with absence of clinical symptoms and radiographic evidence of regeneration of the periapical tissues. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is considered at the present time as the gold standard for root-end filling in endodontic surgery. However this biocompatible material presents several drawbacks such as a long setting time and handling difficulties. The aim of this article is to present a new commercialized calcium silicate-based material named Biodentine with physical improved properties compared to MTA in a clinical application. Two endodontic microsurgeies were performed by using specific armamentarium (microsurgical instrumentation, ultrasonic tips) under high-power magnification with an operatory microscope. Biodentine was used as a root-end filling in order to seal the root canal system. The two cases were considered completely healed at 1 year and were followed for one more year. The 2-year follow-up consolidated the previous observation with absence of clinical symptoms and radiographic evidence of regeneration of the periapical tissues.
读《诗经》的时候,会看到很多花草瓜果的名字。虽然很多字不认识,但看起来都是很好吃的样子。  桃:桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。  說起桃花,现在大家想到的多数是桃花运。但在中国古代,桃花一直具有吉祥如意和辟邪正气的象征意义。魏晋以前,桃花可以算中国的国花,受到最广泛的热爱。  隋唐以后,最受欢迎的花才慢慢成了牡丹和近世的梅兰。桃花因为开得绚丽热烈,渐带轻佻妖艳之意,成为男女之事的寓称,但其中的多福多寿寓意倒