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[设计师解析]少年时的梦想,常被认为是妄想,不被认可,甚至被嘲笑……但坚持自己的梦想只有自己知道,我们做着自己喜欢的事情,独自走在路上乐此不疲。说来也巧,儿时对天空的向往如同一种寓言,命运将我们引向“飞行”。当年只在设计师心中勾画的飞翔梦想,如今有机会在本案中得以实践,设计师阐释承接该案时的心情是“如同新生的叶子一般生长开,娇嫩又充满生机。它已准备好挑战风霜雨露,迎着朝阳,抱着超越平凡的执着,圆梦高飞。”一个面积为90平米的样板公寓,以“翔·梦”为设计主旨,规划出三室两厅的空间布局。公共区域大面积留白,客餐厅以开放的动线安排,流露出大气、脱俗之感,让业主得以尽享家人间的闲适交流。 [Designers to interpret] juvenile dreams, often considered delusional, not recognized, and even ridiculed ... but insisted their dreams only know, we do our own favorite things, alone on the road never tired. It comes as a coincidence, childhood appetite for the sky as a fable, fate will lead us to “flight”. The dream of flying, sketched in the mind of a designer that year, now has a chance to be practiced in the case and the designer explains that the mood in taking over the case is “like a newly born leaf that grows normally, is delicate and full of life, and is ready for challenge. Feng Shui Yu Lu, facing the sun, holding beyond the extraordinary dedication, dreams fly. ”“ An area of ​​90 square meters apartment model to ”Xiang dream " for the design, planning out the spatial layout of the three rooms and two halls. Large public area blank, guest restaurant with an open line arrangement, showing the atmosphere, refined feeling, so that owners can enjoy the leisurely exchange of family members.
Similar to the market before the New Year,rare earth demand remained weak.Consumers worried about the economic situation and were unwilling to pump fund into ra
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