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在英明领袖华主席“抓纲治国”战略决策指引下,为推动我省焊接技术进一步发展和提高,迎接全国科学大会的召开,江苏省机械工业局委托江苏省机械科学研究所于1977年11月12日~11月16日在常州市召开了省机械系统焊接行业技术协作网建网会议。与会代表来自本省14个地、市,并邀请外系统代表,共46人。与会代表认真学习了华主席,邓副主席有关科技工作的重要指示。省机械研究所负责人传达了今年6月在哈尔滨召开的一机部焊接技术经验交流会和今年9月在庐山召开的一机部系统华东地区情报网建网会议的精神,并讲了话。 Guided by the wise decision of Chairman Hua in guiding the strategy of “governing the country with the rule of principle,” Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Machinery Industry commissioned the Jiangsu Institute of Machinery Science in November 1977 to promote the further development and improvement of welding technology in our province and meet the convening of the National Science Conference. On the 12th ~ November 16 in Changzhou City, held a mechanical system welding industry technical cooperation network construction network conference. Delegates from 14 prefectures and cities in the province attended the meeting and invited 46 delegates from outside the system. The delegates carefully studied Chairman Hua and Vice Chairman Deng’s important instructions on science and technology work. Provincial Machinery Research Institute convened a meeting held in Harbin in June this year, a mechanical welding experience exchange meeting and held in Lushan in September this year, a machine-building system East China Regional Intelligence Network Conference Network spirit and spoke.
本文分析29例三重酸碱紊乱(Triple Acid-baseDisorders简称TABD),以探讨小儿TABD血气、电解质变化及治疗的特点与规律。 In this paper, 29 cases of Triple Acid-base Dis
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我科于1976~1990年共收住中枢性尿崩症(下称CDI)20例,现分析如下。临床资料一、临床资料男12例,女8例。年龄最小2 Our department from 1976 to 1990 were admitted to a to
从一九七六年以来,我们陆续搜集了一些资料,同时对美国、法国抗硫化氢阀门上用的轴承进行测绘和分析。 1.对美制2~1/_16〃×700AT手动平板抗硫化氢阀门(见图1)上用推力滚针
四川省石油管理局矿机研究大队试制成功一种850公斤/厘米~2平板阀,可以作为压裂井口的主要部件,与国产850公斤/厘米~2压裂车配合使用。 该阀阀座为浮动型。当平板阀关闭受压
在钻前工程中,用钻机转盘打鼠洞,既费力又费时,拖长了建井周期。为了加快钻并速 度,发展石油工业的大好形势,我们在上级党委的正确领导下,与广大钻井工人一起,设计、制造了