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一、关于有计划商品经济的客观经济基础社会主义经济作为有计划的商品经济,同时具有计划经济与商品经济这样两种属性.那么,社会主义有计划商品经济这两种属性赖以产生和存在的客观经济条件是什么呢?计划经济是生产资料公有制基础上社会化大生产的客观要求和必然结果.社会化大生产使社会生产各部门、各企业之间的相互依赖和相互联系越来越紧密,使社会生产力真正成了社会生产各部门、各企业之间有机联系的整体.这种作为有机联系整体的社会生产力,要求在社会生产各部门之间按一定比例分配社会总劳动,以实现社会生产的协调发展.然而,一般意义上的社会化大生产尽管对国民经济按比例发展提出了客观要求,但它对于实现按比例发展的形式并没有提出具体的要求,因此,它还不能直接说明计划经济的存在.作为计划经济客观依据的,只能是公有制基础上的社会化大生产.马克思曾指出:“一切规模较大的直接社会劳动或共同劳动,都或多或少地需要指挥,以协调个人的活动,并执行生产总体的运动——不同于这一总体的独立器官的运动——所产生的各种一般职能.”(《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷第367页)这种作为共同劳动所进行的协调指挥,实际上就是一种计划管理.共同劳动在什么范围内进行,也就需要什么范围内的计划管理.生产资料公 I. Objective Economic Basis on a Planned Commodity Economy As a planned commodity economy, the socialist economy has both the planned economy and the commodity economy, so the two attributes of a socialist planned economy depend on and exist What is the Objective Economic Condition? The planned economy is the objective requirement and the inevitable result of the socialized mass production based on the public ownership of the means of production. Socialized mass production has made the interdependence and interdependence between the various departments and enterprises of social production more and more So that the social productive forces have truly become the organic link between the various departments and enterprises in the society.As a social productive force with organic links as a whole, social labor forces are required to allocate the total social labor according to a certain percentage of social production so as to achieve However, in the general sense, although socialized mass production poses an objective requirement for the proportional development of the national economy, it does not make any specific demands on the realization of a pro-rata development and therefore it can not directly Explain the existence of planned economy.As an objective basis of the planned economy, only public ownership Based on the socialization of large-scale production.Marx once pointed out: “All larger direct social labor or joint labor, more or less need to command in order to coordinate individual activities, and the implementation of the overall production of sports - is different from This general movement of independent organs - the various general functions produced. ”(The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, vol. 23, p. 367) This coordinated command as a joint laborer is actually a program management The extent to which collective labor is to be carried out, and the extent of planning and management required.
当今的乡镇干部,特别是落后地区的乡镇干部,他们的处境如何?他们有着怎样的喜怒哀乐?秦巴山区“乡官”的境遇或许代表着一个重要的方面。 What are the current situation of to