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  泰德·普林斯博士是佩斯领导力研究院(The Perth Leader-ship Institute)的创始人和首席执行官,是领导力和财务绩效领域的专家,著有《卓越领导者的三大财务风格》(The Three Financial Styles of Very Successful Leaders)专著。他还是佛罗里达大学课座教授,上海财经大学MBA学院高顿财务金融培训中心课座教授
  “微型探底”不像衰退那样触动人心。用美国诗人埃利奥特(T.S. Elliot)的话来说,“微型探底”不是撞击而是啜泣。“微型探底”表示下滑,但不足以让人震惊并采取新的行动。这么说来,“微型探底”并不好,既不能产生震动,又不能自我纠正。这也就是为什么日本在过去20年无所作为的原因。日本的人口老化,过度依赖社会保障制度,年轻人已见怪不怪,不足以推动他们去改变经济衰退的发生。所以,当人们跟我说起美国的二次探底时,我的回答是,也就是美国才有如此的好运气。第二次经济衰退是又一次冲击,美国政府和一筹莫展的政客应该在此时有所作为。
  The smart talk now in the US and globally is that the US is about to enter another recession – the much feared double-dip recession. However what is likely to happen is even worse – a series of mini-dips over the next 20 years that the US will not be able to exit from, just like Japan.
  The US has had 11 recessions since 1949. That’s one recession every 5.5 years. So even if things were normal, the US could expect another recession by 2014, that is, in 4 years time.
  But things aren’t normal in the US. Public debt as a proportion of GDP is increasing rapidly to levels normally seen only in developing countries. The US is already at the 70% level and should get to the 100% level in 2-3 years. That’s the danger point at which an economy can default.
  The financial regulatory reform that has just been passed by Congress will lead to less risk-taking in the financial system and will result in the most innovative US companies moving out of the US which will lead to less innovation and risk-taking in the US financial arena.
  The US has other major problems too. Interest rates are ultra-low. The US is essentially in deflation; the only issue now is whether this deflation will be permanent like Japan or whether the US can dodge the bullet for the moment. Usually ultra-low interest rates are followed by another bubble and then another recession. They are quite probable now in a short time.
  And the US political system is increasingly in gridlock. Again it increasingly resembles the Japanese political system which is essentially permanently in paralysis.
  Paralyzed political systems where decisions cannot be made lead to paralyzed economies and paralyzed financial systems. That’s because it’s hard to get agreement on anything, much less get agreement on making hard choices like cutting government spending. Paralyzed governments tend to have high debt and multiple financial crises. That’s where the US is heading now.
  We have seen this movie before. In the late 1980s and early 1990s Japan had had its biggest post-war bubble. It was followed by a deep recession. Essentially the recession has never ended.
  Japan has experienced almost continual deflation since then; prices of stocks and real estate are below where they were in 1990. Japan’s public debt is now 200% of GDP. Its weak government has never (with one brief exception under Prime Minister Koizumi) been able to take decisive action on anything significant.
  Since the early 1990s Japan has undergone a series of what we call mini-dips.
  A mini-dip is a different animal to a recession. In a recession, GDP declines for at least three quarters in a row. In a mini-dip, GDP, or least nominal GDP, does not grow and it may decline, but not by much and not for more than two quarters in a row. Nor does it rise much. It just does nothing but stay around zero, just a little above, or a little below. Nothing dramatic at all.
  Recessions have one big benefit. When economic activity contracts a lot, it gives a big shock to everyone and then they do things like cutting waste and actually doing new things to become more innovative and efficient which they would never have done otherwise. Recessions are actually blessings in disguise. So the good news about recession is that it is essentially self-correcting and gets things moving again.
  Mini-dips are not like recessions. They do not deliver a shock. To para-phrase the American poet T. S. Elliot, a mini-dip ends not in a bang, but a whimper. Mini-dips deliver a decline, but not one that is big enough for anyone to be shocked into doing anything new. So mini-dips are bad because they are not shocking and they are not self-correcting.
  That’s why Japan has done nothing for the past 20 years. It’s a country with far too many old people who are living on social security who have no energy to do anything. And the younger people and businessmen are used to seeing it all before. There has been no recession big enough to motivate them to do anything different.
  Japan is a permanent mini-dip society that has grown too old, comfortable and lazy to do anything about the deep social and political problems it is experiencing.
  So when people talk to me about a double dip recession in the US, my answer is, if only the US could be so lucky. A second recession now would be another shock and maybe the US government and its moribund politicians would actually do something significant this time.
  The far more likely scenario is that the US is not going into another recession but instead just going into a mini-dip that will motivate no-one to tackle the deep financial and politician problems in the US. The mini-dip will involve GDP growth at zero for one or two quarters and then it will crawl up to a growth rate like 1%.
  That mini-dip will be followed by a year or two of no-growth or little growth (think 1-2%) but no decline. Then in another 2 years it will be followed by another mini-dip. A series of mini-dips where GDP goes to zero, or occasionally to below zero but just for one or two quarters. Then it bounces up to zero again. Lots of mini-dips over lots of years. A mini-dip economy, just like Japan.
  More iPhones, More Government?
  But, you might object, doesn’t the US, just like Japan, have superb companies with superb people inventing superb new products? How can mini-dips happen with such great companies and such great people?
  The answer is that companies can still prosper while the government is sucking the life out of the economy with high debt and a bloated and ineffective bureaucracy. Governments like this can survive even when the public has little or no confidence in its politicians because they can always get more taxes out of the private sector and the people.
  In the US and Japan, confidence in politicians runs at around 20% of so. And in the US we can’t expect either major party – Democrats or Republicans - to do anything about it. That’s just like Japan where a recent change in government has made absolutely no difference at all.
  I have written before about a class of countries that I call Over-Developed Countries, ODCs. ODCs are developed countries that spend more on their citizens than they can afford to and borrow the difference from foreigners. They rely on future generations of their citizens having to pay back this debt.
  In ODCs, the debt actually reflects political gridlock. It’s easier to make no spending cuts and borrow from foreigners rather than to make hard spending decisions. In ODCs the purpose of the private sector is to pay for the excesses of the public sector. In fact the more efficient the private sector, the worse and more inefficient is the public sector. That’s why you see the huge gap in competence between the public and the private sector in the US and Japan, and to a lesser extent in Europe.
  European countries started to become ODCs in the 1960s, once they had solved the financial problems created by World War II. Japan became an ODC in the late 1980s. The US is just achieving ODC status now. Unfortunately without a leader like Japan’s Koizumi, and there aren’t many like him, the future is not good for ODCs. That includes the US.
  However there is one big difference between the US and Japan. That is that the US, mainly due to a high level of immigration, still has population growth and that will put some upward pressure on GDP growth figures. Japan doesn’t have that advantage.
  On the other hand if US deflation gets worse, that might not matter so much. My guess is that eventually an expanding population will help counter-act deflation in the US to a great extent.
  So I think that the US mini-dips won’t be as bad as the Japan mini-dips. The deflation, even if it gets worse in the US will still not be as bad as Japan. Nothing to get excited about, but maybe the US will avoid the worst parts of the Japanese disease, even if it doesn’t avoid it completely.
通过7年的努力,  海诺拉已将北京ABB传动公司打造成中国最大的变频器企业,  这一方面源自总部的支持,  另一方面也源自他扎根中国、长期发展的决心    2010年4月30日,上海世博会开幕式在夜幕下的黄浦江边举行。跳动的音符、迷幻的彩灯让人们惊艳不已,更让观众感到惊奇的是那些随着音乐翩翩起舞的喷泉。  陶诺海诺拉看到这一幕时,不由露出了会心的微笑。原来,音乐喷泉形成的背后,就有北京ABB电气传
WTO法律是“良法”,中国作为成员之一,必须接受和遵守这个法律规则。WTO规则对我国具有很大的益处,在这十年间,中国依靠WTO法律规则在经济、社会等备方面取得了快速的发展。  中国入世十周年之际,WTO再度成为国内社会的焦点。我国已成为世贸组织中一个重要的成员,在入世之后,上至国家政府下至普通百姓已适应了这一组织,并将其规则融入到日常生活中加以遵守。自中国决定加入WTO后,WTO法律规则就在很大程
北星行奔驰领航全新S级轿车360°安全体验活动  2006年12月2日,北京北星行汽车销售中心特邀其贵宾及相关媒体全程体验专为全新S级轿车量身定做的360°安全体验活动。此次安全体验活动根据全新S级驾车在舒适性、安全性、操控性和人性化等方面所拥有的众多革命性创新科技成果,特别聘请专业汽车安全培训车手,指导参与者于场地内多种特定试驾环境中充分感受不同驾乘技术与操控性能的完美融合。在低光照、潮湿路面等
创业四人组    一切传奇都始于一个平淡的开端。  1999年3月,上海徐家汇建国宾馆旁边一家新开张的上海菜餐馆里,两个男人正在喝酒。一个看上去二十七八岁的样子,头比常人稍大,但是这并没有影响他沉静清秀的气质;另外一个年纪略大些,留着板寸头,虽然戴着眼镜,仍掩盖不住豪爽之气。  “最近美国的互联网很火啊!”年轻的那位说。  “听说了。JAMES,有什么可以借鉴的吗?”  “不如我们也做个网站。” 
国会山上的实习生  美国华盛顿特区是美国的政治中心,位于特区的国会山、白宫和参众两院是美国权力的象征。这些机构提供了很多实习生项目,让学生们有机会切身了解美国的政治体系及其运作。虽然环境肃穆,但走进国会山,能够与政治大人物近距离接触,能够和总统一起看球赛,“山”上的实习生真可谓福利多多!
北京时间1月31日(南极时间1月30日),随着东风日产副总经理任勇亲自把两辆奇骏的车钥匙,交到中国南极长城站站长裴福余的手中,“征服极地梦想一奇骏南极探秘之旅”活动正式宣告圆满结束。  作为人类历史上首款登上南极大陆的量产乘用车这两辆奇骏在近10天时间里,穿梭往返,为第25次南极科考工作执行后勤保障任务。而今后,它们将在广衰的南极大陆继续奔驰,承担更加光荣艰巨的科考使命。  新奇骏采用日产全新代平
近日,一汽马自达宣布,原装进口的Mazda3 Sport(两厢运动版)的价格从13.98万元起。该价格甫一公布,立即引起业界大哗——该定价意味着,自中国加入WTO以来,同档次进口车第一次低于国产车价格。  该定价暴露了一汽马自达在进口车销售方面的野心。一汽马自达销售公司副总经理于洪江称,进口两厢马3的目标为每个月1800辆。对于进口车而言,这无疑是一个非常高的目标,国内罕有进口车能够达到该销量。 
中国是世界文明古国之一,历史悠久,文化灿烂,有许多举世公认的发明和发现。这些凝聚着先人聪明智慧和辛勤汗水的成果传到海外,为人类文明的发展与进步做出了巨大贡献。为了纪念其故乡,英文中产生了不少以“Chinese”作为限定詞的专有名词,大致可分为如下几类。  第一类是原产于中国的植物,包括一些特色花卉和蔬果。常见的有:  1. Chinese Rose——月季花  月季在中国有两千多年的栽培历史。相传
冰川、青翠的山谷、石灰质山崖、高山湖泊、点缀着彩色木屋的草地和牧场、远处回荡着铃铛声以及Milka奶牛的哞哞叫声……如果您喜欢如画的风景,那就请您穿上一双好鞋,尽快赶赴瑞士的瓦莱州(le Valais)  瓦莱州令人折服。此处没有佯装伟岸的低矮丘陵,山地荟萃了瑞士最高的山峰、国内最大的冰川、欧洲最高的葡萄园以及最具盛名的滑雪站(Zermatt、Saas-Fee、Verbier)。一切都是那么的简单