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截止到1月8日,场均25分钟的上场时间内,获得9.6分,易建联的得分变化为我们画出了一条低调的波浪线。爱之深,责之切!常规赛进行到这个节骨眼上,已经没有时间再给阿联历练的机会了,倘若还是以这样起伏不定的成绩打下去,迟早会被主教练从主力阵容上撤下去。“神经刀”式的发挥,只能增加教练和队友的怀疑。投篮命中率37.7%;篮板球场均6.3个,近17场,最多的篮板数是13个,最少1个;场均犯规2.6次;最高分22分,最低2分,3场;最高出场时间38分钟。这样的成绩,只能勉强给及格。若最终失去了主教练的信任,下个赛季无从谈起?江山的巩固难就难在一个“守”上。虽然阿联有时状态不佳限制了自己的出场时间,但是网队仍旧能够对阿联给予积极的重视。开赛至今,面对网队拥挤的内线,阿联场均26分18秒的出场时间已经超越了上个赛季。阿联的投篮次数在网队也达到了343次,命中137次,命中率39.9%,其中3分出手92次,命中35球,命中率38.0%。在罚球上,阿联81次罚球,命中64个,命中率79.0%。综合数据,阿联已经拿到了373分。通过一组数据就能反映出阿联对于球队的作用,当阿联在场上时,网净胜对手的数值为0.4,反之,这一数据则下降至-4.9,这表示阿联对于球队的贡献还是十分重大。应该知道的是,在网全部15位球员当中,只有6位球员能够做到将这两项数据的差变为正数,阿联的+5.3排在全队第三,但起伏不定的状态仍需改善。 As of January 8, averaging 25 minutes playing time, scored 9.6 points, Yi Jianlian score changes for us to draw a low-key wave line. Deep love, blame the cut! Regular season to this juncture, there is no time to give the United Arab opportunity to experience, and if so, still in such a volatile result, sooner or later will be the coach pulled down from the main lineup . “Nerve knife ” type of play, can only increase the doubts of coaches and teammates. 37.7% shooting; rebounding averaged 6.3, nearly 17 games, the maximum number of rebounds is 13, at least one; averaged 2.6 fouls; the highest score of 22 points, the lowest 2 points, 3 games; the maximum playing time 38 minute. Such a result, only barely pass. If ultimately lost the trust of the coach, next season without mentioning the difficult to consolidate the country in a “Shou ”. Although the United Arab sometimes poor state restricted their playing time, but the Nets are still able to give positive attention to the United Arab. Starting so far, the face of the Nets crowded inside, the United Arab averaged 26 minutes and 18 seconds of playing time has surpassed last season. The number of shots the United Arab League has reached 343 times, hitting 137 times, shooting 39.9%, of which three shots 92 times, hitting 35 goals, shooting 38.0%. In free throws, the United Arab 81 free throws, hit 64, shooting 79.0%. Comprehensive data, the United Arab has received 373 points. Through a set of data will be able to reflect the United Arab’s role for the team when the Arab presence on the net net opponent’s value of 0.4, on the contrary, the data dropped to -4.9, indicating that the United Arab for the team The contribution is still very significant. It should be noted that only 6 of the 15 players on the net were able to change the difference between these two numbers to a positive number while the UAE’s +5.3 came in third in the team but the ups and downs Need to improve.
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我厂生产各种高压钢瓶用的铜质角阀。按传统的锻造方法,每个锻件 G40g,角阀体重52Og,飞边重120g,全年生产6万余件,仅飞边就耗损铜材7.2t,合5万多元,而且锻后切飞边,工序繁杂
经过赛季初的狂飙后,从踏上西部客场之旅时,尼克斯队已暴露出了资源有限人手不足的问题。大家都明白,对于身染沉疴的病人,调理为先,其后才能继之以猛药。而尼克斯队目前还在调理期,出现这些问题情有可原,却不能坐视不顾。事实上,如果不是瞄准了2010,很难想象尼克斯队会将马布里和库里两位“大爷”活生生地摁在板凳上。    话说作为NBA的球迷,在美国本土和在我国国内可是有着天壤之别。虽然美国本土的球迷们也追