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在享受了家庭联产承包责任制巨大的改革成果后,我国广大农民开始聚集起手中的闲散资金和剩余劳力,又重新自愿组织起来从事经营活动,由此涌现出一大批被称为“股份合作”式的经济实体。它们多为三户以上农民按照协议,以资金、实物、技术、劳力、土地等生产要素作为股份,联合兴办的企业。由于这种企业形态较为复杂,它明显地先进于个体经济,又有别于传统的集体经济,因此,理论界对股份合作企业的性质、组织方式、分配制度及发展前途一直看法不尽相同。尽管如此,股份合作企业作为我国农民的又一创造。在全国范围内仍在不断发展,在山东、安徽、浙江等地更为引人瞩目。据农业部有关部门测算,截止去年底,全国农民联户办企业达98万个,从业人员814万人,产值为727亿元。这些企业中绝大多数当属股份合作企业,它们已成为我国乡镇企业和农村经济中的重要力量。去年以来,农业部和一些地方政府颁布了相应的规定,用以指导和规范股份合作企业的发展。今夏,中央、国务院有关部委、研究机构、大专院校及全国各地的150多位专家学者和从事实际工作的领导干部,汇集温州共同研究探讨了这种新型的经济形态。大家一致认为股份合作经济背后蕴含着深刻的经济、社会意义,是一种不容忽视的经济现象。本刊选发杜鹰、董辅礽、王珏对此问? After enjoying the huge reform results of the household contract responsibility system, the majority of farmers in our country began to gather idle funds and surplus labor in their hands, and then voluntarily organized themselves to engage in business activities. This led to the emergence of a large number of so-called “share cooperations”. "The type of economic entity. Most of them are farmers with more than three households in accordance with the agreement, using funds, physical objects, technology, labor, land, and other production factors as shares to jointly set up enterprises. Due to the complexity of this type of enterprise, it is obviously advanced to the individual economy and different from the traditional collective economy. Therefore, the theoretical community has always had different views on the nature, organization, distribution system and development prospects of the joint-stock cooperative enterprises. In spite of this, the joint-stock cooperative enterprise is another creation of our country’s peasants. It continues to develop throughout the country, and is even more noticeable in Shandong, Anhui, and Zhejiang. According to calculations by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, as of the end of last year, the number of enterprises sponsored by farmers across the country reached 980,000, employing 8.14 million people, and the output value was 72.7 billion yuan. The overwhelming majority of these companies are joint-stock cooperative enterprises, and they have become an important force in our country’s township enterprises and rural economy. Since last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and some local governments have issued corresponding regulations to guide and standardize the development of joint-stock companies. This summer, more than 150 experts and scholars from the central and State Council related ministries and commissions, research institutes, universities and colleges, and leading cadres engaged in practical work brought together Wenzhou to study and explore this new type of economy. Everyone agrees that the deep economic and social significance behind the stock cooperative economy is an economic phenomenon that cannot be ignored. The magazine selected Du Ying, Dong Fuyu, and Wang Hao to ask this question?
植物神经性癫痫的发作形式多样,常致临床误诊。最近我们收治以笑为发作形式的癫痫一例,现报告如下: 王某,男,6岁。患儿在家经常不自主地“笑”三月余,最初家长未在意,后来发
1 病历简介女 ,38岁 ,“发热 5天”。于 5天前因劳累后出现腹部不适、腹胀、恶心、腰部酸痛 ,无鼻塞、呕吐、乏力。继而畏寒、发热 ,体温最高达 39.8℃。偶有咳嗽 ,无痰 ,且
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●怎么啦?啊,怎么啦?  ◆呜呜,呜呜……  ◆是胡江在讲鬼故事,她们听了就吓得乱叫。  ●胡江啊,你怎么又在讲鬼故事呀?“人吓人,吓掉魂”的,知道吗?  ◆我刚刚开始讲。是她们要我讲的,她们想听,可胆子又太小了。  ◆要讲你就好好讲,可是你突然张开手掌,吐出舌头,猛地向我们扑过来,我们能不害怕吗?  ●你看你,上次你也是这么突然袭击,不是把金岩吓得摔到地上去了吗?  ◆哼,女生本来就胆子小嘛,你