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目的:观察用自拟益气活血经验方联合针灸治疗糖尿病周围神经病变患者的临床效果,并探讨其对患者消极情绪、血糖、血脂水平的影响。方法92例糖尿病周围神经病变患者随机分为两组,均给予降压、降糖、控制饮食常规治疗。对照组在此基础上给予维生素 B1片和甲钴胺胶囊口服;治疗组在对照组基础上给予自拟益气活血经验方联合针灸治疗,7d 为1个疗程。连续治疗4个疗程后观察两组患者情绪低落、焦虑、烦躁、压抑、抑郁等精神状态的改变情况,用自评量表对患者焦虑、抑郁的消极情绪进行评分,观察治疗前后评分的变化情况;治疗前后对患者的血糖、血脂进行测量;对患者的神经病变情况进行评分。结果治疗组总有效率明显高于对照组(P <0.05);两组治疗后焦虑、抑郁等消极情绪均较治疗前有所缓解,自评量表焦虑 SAS、抑郁 SDS 评分较治疗前有所降低,但治疗组变化幅度较对照组明显(P <0.05);两组经治疗后血糖、血脂水平均有所降低,治疗组的改善程度较对照组明显(P <0.05);治疗后两组神经病变积分有所下降,治疗组与对照组相比下降明显(P <0.05)。结论益气活血经验方联合针灸能有效改善患者的临床症状,改善患者的消极情绪,提高患者治疗的积极性,同时又能降糖降脂,改善患者神经功能。“,”Abstracts:Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy with self -made decoction and acu-puncture therapy, and explore the effect on negative emotion,FPG,2hPG and the level of blood -lipid.Methods 92 diabetic peripheral neuropathy cases were randomly divided into two groups.Both groups were given conventional western therapy,such as controlling the blood pressure, blood sugar and diet,the control group were given Vitamin B1 tablets and mecobalamin capsules; while the patients in treatment group were given self -made decoction and acupuncture therapy,7days for a course,after treating 4 courses,observe the change of patients’ negative emotion, such as in low spirits, anxiety, irritability, oppressive, depression;evaluate the patients’ anxiety and depression scores and observe the changes of the score before and after the treatment; teste blood sugar, blood lipid of patients before and after the treatment, and evaluate the neuropathy case.Results The efficiency of the treatment group was higher than that of the control group (P <0.05).The anxiety,depression and other negative emotions were relieved, the SAS and SDS score were decreased after treatment, the degree of change in treatment group was more pronounced, the difference was significant (P <0.05);score of the control group had no significant change,the lev-els of blood glucose and blood lipid of two groups after treatment were decresed, the degree of change in group was more pronounced(P <0.05);after treatment, the neuropathy integrals went down, the degree of change in treatment group was more pronounced (P <0.05);Con-clusion Treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy with self -made decoction and acupuncture therapy can effectively alleviate the uncomforta-ble symptom after surgery, improve the negative emotion, raise the enthusiasm of patients.The therapy can lower the level of blood sugar and blood lipid, improve the neurological function.
目的:研究分析坤灵丸对肾虚血瘀型子宫内膜增生症大鼠子宫内膜形态学及血清六项激素的影响.方法:选取SPF级雌性SD大鼠70只,将其随机分为空白组10只,造模组60只.造模参照 《雌