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在商标标贴的画稿设计中,可分为图案设计、色彩设计和文字设计三个方面。1.图案设计。就是考虑整体设计的版面布局,有单层次和多之分。单层次结构,只有一个主体,中心突出,其他只起陪衬点缀作用。多层次结构则有几个形体,安排要周密,但也只突出一个主体,切忌面面俱到,机械排列,使人感到呆板或杂乱。在图案设计时考虑制版与印刷实际效果,应注意以下几点:(1)应避免画稿中过小过多的色块或者过细过杂的线条,力求排除由于设计千百万套印不准和色相不好调配的问题。(2)印刷过程中,为了使大面积实地印得均匀,阴图片中一些细小的阴文字及图案就要求设计人员色出双线。制版时一底片去一线,印刷时避免“糊板”。 In the draft label design, can be divided into pattern design, color design and text design in three areas. Pattern design Is to consider the layout of the overall design layout, a single level and more points. Single-level structure, only one main body, center prominent, the other only serve as a foil embellishment. There are several forms of multi-level structure, arranged to be careful, but only highlight a subject, should not be exhaustive, mechanical arrangement, people feel dull or messy. Consider the actual effect of plate making and printing in pattern design, should pay attention to the following points: (1) should be avoided in the draft too small too much color or too thin lines, and strive to rule out due to the design of millions of imprints and hue Poor deployment problem. (2) In the printing process, in order to make a large area of ​​the field printed evenly, some small negative images in the negative pictures and patterns require designers to color double lines. A film when the plate to the front line, to avoid printing “paste board ”.
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神奇、美丽、丰富的云南,吸引着众多的艺术“朝圣者”。这块地处西南边陲的高原红土地,为祖国艺术事业作出了突出的贡献,也培养了许多艺术家。 周运贤就是在这块红土地的 A
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采用OM、XRD、SEM等手段研究了时效处理对轧制态Mg-12Li-2Al-1Zn合金组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明,50℃时效处理1 h,镁锂合金发生时效强化现象,最大硬度值111 HV0.1,抗拉