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一是产业结构调整,从工业主导转为服务业主导。经济结构与发展阶段不相适应,服务业增加值占GDP比重与发达国家70%以上水平相比仍然偏低。劳动力成本明显提高,资源环境约束全面增强等结构调整进程中的矛盾问题逐步凸显。以研发为重点的生产性服务业比重太低,提升国际竞争力需要尽快形成服务业主导的产业结构。 First, the adjustment of industrial structure, from the dominant industry to service-oriented. The economic structure does not adapt to the stage of development. The proportion of the added value of service industry in GDP remains low compared with the level of over 70% in developed countries. The obvious contradiction between the structural adjustment of the structural adjustment process such as the obvious increase in labor costs, the overall increase in the restriction of resources and environment, and the gradual highlighting of these contradictions have gradually emerged. The proportion of producer services focused on research and development is too low, and the enhancement of international competitiveness requires the formation of a service-oriented industrial structure as soon as possible.
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The jet structure of the Southern Ocean front south of Australia is studied in stream-coordinate with a new altimeter product—Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT)
A data assimilation scheme used in the updated Ocean three-dimensional Variational Assimilation System (OVALS),OVALS2,is described.Based on a recursive filter (
与南水北调、开采地下水相比,海水淡化产业有着诸多优势。  我国淡水资源贫乏,随着城市化、工业化的快速发展,水资源供需矛盾进一步加剧。全国政协委员、国家开发投资公司董事长王会生建议,从国家战略安全的角度,加快推动海水淡化规模化、产业化发展。近日,本刊记者对王会生委员进行了专访。海水淡化已成国际发展趋势  《国企》:作为全国政协委员和中央企业负责人,在这次两会上,您主要关注哪些问题?  王会生:我已经