
来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueskyxq
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前不久,章丘市某企业职工多次到有关部门集体上访,上访的问题之一就是要求企业将欠缴的养老保险费为职工补上。据信访部门介绍,近年来因企业欠缴职工养老保险而上访的呈上升趋势。职工上访不是好事,但也说明随着普法工作的深入,职工的法制意识、劳动保险意识、依法维护自己权益的能力在增强。养老保险是保障劳动者年老丧失劳动能力退休后获得物质待遇的一种社会保险。《劳动 Not long ago, Zhangqiu City, a corporate employee several times to the relevant departments of collective petitions, one of the petitions is asking enterprises to pay the pension premiums for workers make up. According to a letter from the department, the petition petition has been on the rise in recent years as a result of enterprises’ outstanding contributions to employee pension insurance. Employee petition is not a good thing, but it also shows that with the deepening of the popularization of legal work, the staff’s awareness of the legal system, labor insurance and the ability to safeguard their own rights and interests in accordance with the law are on the rise. Endowment insurance is a kind of social insurance that protects the old people from being able to work after they retire and get the material treatment. "labor
经济实力 家庭在社会上的经济地位,决定了个人投资方式的选择。日常节余较少的低收入家庭,宜采用存款方式;日常节余较多的中等收入家庭应以定期存款和债券为主,适当投资股票
一、前言: 流行性乙型脑炎为每年夏秋季间所流行的一种急性传染病,本病最早流行于日本,以后在朝鲜、菲律宾、印度支那、瓜哇、苏联远东濱海省地区和我国台湾以及大陸均有本