
来源 :深圳中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmzhkj
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目的:探讨高血压患者的合并症和生活方式与发生心脑血管并发症潜伏期的关系,减缓高血压患者心脑血管并发症的发生。方法:官方2008年8月-2009年2月收集明确高血压病史的心、脑血管病患者50例为研究对象,以自制量表,用访谈方式收集患者的高血压发病年龄、生活饮食习惯、合并症以及心脑血管并发症发生时间等资料。结果:高血压患者发生心脑血管并发症潜伏期均随高血压始发年龄的增加相应缩短,经相关分析,潜伏期与高血压始发年龄呈线性负相关。血压经常波动对潜伏期有明显的影响,无明显波动潜伏期为(24.96±12.92)年,血压明显波动潜伏期为(17.28±10.13)年(P<0.05)。生活方式、合并症等对高血压也有明显影响,危险因素越多,潜伏期越短(P<0.01)。结论:预防高血压患者心脑血管病发生除积极有效控制高血压外,还必须综合其他防治措施(如健康的生活方式),延缓动脉粥样硬化的进程。由于许多患者对自己的血压监测不力,因此在防治心脑血管病中,开展高血压普查和防治显得尤为重要。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between complications and lifestyle in patients with hypertension and the latency of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications and to reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications in hypertensive patients. Methods: Officials from August 2008 to February 2009 collected 50 patients with heart and cerebrovascular disease with a definite history of hypertension as subjects, collected their age of onset of hypertension, lifestyle and eating habits by self-made questionnaire, Complications and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications occurred time and other information. Results: The latent period of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications in patients with hypertension were shortened correspondingly with the increase of the age of onset of hypertension. By correlation analysis, the latency was negatively correlated with the age of onset of hypertension. Frequent fluctuations in blood pressure have a significant effect on latency, with no significant fluctuations (24.96 ± 12.92) years, and significant fluctuations in blood pressure (17.28 ± 10.13) years (P <0.05). Life style, comorbidity also have obvious effect on hypertension, the more risk factors, the shorter the incubation period (P <0.01). Conclusion: Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in patients with hypertension in addition to active and effective control of hypertension, but also must be integrated with other prevention and control measures (such as a healthy lifestyle), slow the process of atherosclerosis. Because many patients on their own blood pressure monitoring ineffective, so in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, hypertension screening and prevention is particularly important.
15年前,我所在的单位地处偏僻,信息闭塞。爱人的姐姐在城中心,她跟着同事炒股,兴趣盎然地鼓动我,“别害怕,赚3角钱就跑,足够一天的菜钱。”我被她说动了,拉了两位闺密,冒着寒风,坐一个多小时公交车,到证券所开了户。  没有钱,也不敢多买。2000元买200股。那时还没有开通电话炒股,也没有电脑下载。电视里专门有一个频道,分分秒秒显示股票价格。我们中午下班可以在家看一小时的股票,下午一上班,三位好朋友
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‘曙光4号’为晚熟枣新品种。果实卵圆形或长圆形,平均单果质量17.4 g,鲜枣可溶性固形物含量26.6%,可滴定酸0.30%,维生素C含量为5.18 mg·g-1。早实,丰产,抗裂果,在河北枣区1
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颅内生殖细胞瘤 (germinom as)约占所有颅内肿瘤的1%~ 2 % ,多数发生在松果体区。颅内非松果体区生殖细胞瘤少见 ,过去称之为颅内异位松果体瘤 ,以鞍区和基底节区多见。本文报