Comprehensive evaluation of communication network based on network carrying and associating relation

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_sx
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In order to solve the problem of integrated management in different types of networks,a comprehensive evaluation method for a communication network is presented via network carrying and associating relation. Based on the abstract and analysis of network relation,the principle and procedure of the evaluation method are discussed. The method considers the effect of individual diversity of network running indicator,and reflects the contribution and associating degree of network carrying relation. Experiment results verify that the proposed method is correct and efficient. The research provides a new idea for the future network management. In order to solve the problem of integrated management in different types of networks, a comprehensive evaluation method for a communication network is presented via network carrying and associating relation. Based on the abstract and analysis of network relation, the principle and procedure of the evaluation method. The discussed considers the effect of individual diversity of network running indicator, and reflects the contribution and associating degree of network carrying relation. Experiment results verify that the proposed method is correct and efficient. The research provides a new idea for the future network management.
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