An Analysis of Social Class Classification Based on Linguistic Variables

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingzhiyoulan
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Since language is an influential tool in social interaction, the relationship of speech and social factors, such as social class, gender, even age is worth studying. People employ different linguistic variables to imply their social class, status and identity in the social interaction. Thus the linguistic variation involves vocabulary, sounds, grammatical constructions, dialects and so on. As a result, a classification of social class draws people’s attention. Linguistic variable in speech interactions indicate the social relationship between people. This paper attempts to illustrate three main linguistic variables which influence the social class, and further sociolinguistic studies need to be more concerned about. Since language is an influential tool in social interaction, the relationship of speech and social factors, such as social class, gender, even age is worth studying. People employ different linguistic variables to imply their social class, status and identity in the social interaction. Linguistic variable in speech classes indicate the the social relationship between people. This paper attempts to illustrate three main linguistic variables which influence the social class, and further sociolinguistic studies need to be more concerned about.
徐叙 ,192 2年生 ,物理学家、中国科学院院士、北方交通大学教授、博士生导师、现任北方交通大学光电子技术研究所所长。徐叙先生毕业于西南联合大学物理系。195 1年赴苏
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陈一坚——著名飞机设计专家 Chen Yijian - famous aircraft design expert