古希腊戏剧的中国表达 评剧《城邦恩仇》观后

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中国评剧院《城邦恩仇》是一部根据希腊悲剧《厄瑞斯忒亚》三联剧重编的评剧,也是导演罗锦鳞先生古希腊戏剧三部曲中的一部。评剧《城邦恩仇》的演出,用空灵、写意的中国戏曲讲述西方故事。中国传统戏剧与西方戏剧该如何融合?艺术家们会用怎样的形式向观众展示悲剧之父埃斯库罗斯的经典之作呢?我带着兴奋和期待的心情观看了此剧,在此浅谈几点感想。中国传统戏剧对西方经典名剧的重编,不是简单地从内容和形式上进行复制,而是一项艰难的再创作,其间 The China National Pingju Theater “City-state ancestry” is a rehearsal based on the Greek tragedy “Ereste” triple drama, and is also a part of director Luo Jin-lei’s trilogy of ancient Greek drama. Pingju “City of enemies,” the show, with ethereal, freehand Chinese drama about Western stories. How can traditional Chinese drama and western drama be integrated? In what ways will artists show the audience the classic of Esculus, the father of tragedy? I watched the show with excitement and anticipation Feelings The reorganization of traditional Chinese drama for Western classic plays is not simply a reproduction of content and form, but a difficult re-creation. In the meantime,
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