In vitro Activation of Corpora Allata (CA) by the Allatotropic Factor From the Brains of Coccinella

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanleifeng222
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1 Introduction Lady beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) is an important natural enemy of aphids.Our data show that JH produced in the corpora allata (CA) in the adult beetle playsa key role in regulating its reproduction. Recently, it is demonstrated that CA ininsects are target tissues of allatostatin and allatotropin. Juvenile hormone (JH) issynthesized and released by CA and plays a vital role in insect development, primarilyin the control of metamorphosis, sexual maturation and reproduction. The activity ofCA during reproduction could be modulated by stimulatory factors (Allatotropicfactor, ATF), inhibitory factors (Allatostatic factor AST) or both. 1 Introduction Lady beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) is an important natural enemy of aphids. Our data show that JH produced in the corpora allata (CA) in the adult beetle playsa key role in its its reproduction. target tissues of allatostatin and allatotropin. Juvenile hormone (JH) issynthesized and released by CA and plays a vital role in insect development, primarily in the control of metamorphosis, sexual maturation and reproduction. The activity of CA during reproduction could be modulated by stimulatory factors (Allatotropic factor , ATF), inhibitory factors (Allatostatic factor AST) or both.
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