
来源 :科学中国人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ROVINZ
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《财务管理》是高职院校会计专业的主干课程,该课程知识逻辑性强且公式繁多,是一门难度较大的课程。传统的教学模式侧重于学生理论知识的学习,忽略了学生应用能力的培养,很难满足新时期企业对学生的要求。为提高教学质量和教学效果,本文通过分析财务管理教学目前存在的问题,从课程定位、课程内容、课程考核等方面做了初步的改革与探索。 “Financial Management” is the main course of accounting major in higher vocational colleges. It is a difficult course with strong knowledge of logic and many formulas. The traditional teaching mode focuses on the study of students ’theoretical knowledge, neglects the cultivation of students’ applied abilities and can hardly meet the requirements of enterprises for students in the new era. In order to improve the quality of teaching and teaching effectiveness, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the teaching of financial management and makes a preliminary reform and exploration from the aspects of course orientation, course content and course evaluation.
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