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一代又一代机务人秉承“质量、责任、使命”的核心理念,崇尚“三负责”精神,弘扬“十六字”优良维护作风,践行“极端负责、精心维修”的职业道德,把寓意“天梯”的机务文化大写在蓝天之巅。空军航空机务文化是空军文化的重要组成部分,是航空装备保障力、战斗力生成的重要因素,是大力培育当代革命军人核心价值观和战斗精神的具体抓手。60多年的历史积淀,60多年的实践升华,一代又一代机务人,秉承“质量、责任、使命”的核心理念,崇尚“对战斗胜利负责、对战友安全负责、对国家财产负责”的精神,弘扬 Generation after generation of maintenance people uphold the core concept of “quality, responsibility, mission,” advocating the spirit of “three responsible”, carry forward the “sixteen characters” excellent style of maintenance and practice “extremely responsible, well- ”Professional ethics, the moral“ ladder ”service culture capitalized in the blue sky. Air Force aviation maintenance culture is an important component of the Air Force’s culture. It is an important factor in the formation of the aviation equipment support force and combat effectiveness. It is a concrete starting point for vigorously fostering the core values ​​and fighting spirit of the contemporary revolutionary military personnel. More than 60 years of historical accumulation, more than 60 years of practice and sublimation, generation after generation of maintenance personnel, adhering to the core concepts of “quality, responsibility and mission”, advocating “being responsible for the victory of the battle, being responsible for the comrades in arms, being responsible for the state property, ”The spirit of promoting
<正> 党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是实行城市经济体制改革和对外开放搞活以后,湖南城镇居民生活发生了可喜的变化,文明,健康、科学的生活方式正在逐步形成。近两年,在国家实
<正> 新化是湖南省有名的山区贫困大县,全县110万农业人口,长期以来人均纯收入在400元以下。在全省139个特困乡中,新化就占了30个。在柘溪水淹区、森林过伐区、石灰岩干旱区
【正】 一、消费水平的起点很低我国现阶段处于社会主义初级阶段,社会生产力水平还很低。生产决定消费,生产的落后状况使我国至今为止尚未能走出世界上按人口平均的低收入行
<正> 一个时期以来,消费基金和消费需求是否膨胀问题成为理论界的热门话题。但是,由于在概念的定义、膨胀的标准、比较的方法等基本问题上认识不统一,人们所得出的结论差异很