
来源 :解放军预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niyon
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目的 :建立“全军流感监测系统” ,获得流感流行病学数据和病毒变异及流行趋势 ,实施流感预测预报。方法 :按WHO规定的原理和方法进行 :对流感流行株、抗原和基因变异以及血清抗体和病毒多病原实行监测。结果 :获军队流感病毒流行株 4 0株 ,副流感Ⅱ型流行株 2株 ;6 0 0 0名战士血清流感抗体纵向监测表明 :每年每名战士平均受流感病毒侵袭 1.4次 ,流感抗体在 6个月之内下降 6 7%。流感抗体横向监测表明 :甲 1型流感抗体从 1995年以来呈阶梯形下降 ,易感人群由 15 %上升至 75 %。甲 3型流感抗体从 1997年以来长期处于高水平 ,预示将会发生变异。 10 0 0余名战士鼻咽分泌物多病原检测结果表明 :流感暴发流行期病毒总检出率为70 % ,一般流行季节约 5 0 %。抗原性变异和基因测序分析结果表明 :甲 1型流感株已发生明显变异 ,发现 3株新流行株与标准株的同源性仅有 92 %和 91% ,新株丢失了 130位氨基酸和 30 4位糖化位点。对 14 84 0名战士调查表明 :在流行季节 4 5d内 ,流感发病率 >2 1% ,缺勤约 5 0万工作日 ,军营病毒暴发流行疫情可在 6h作出报告。结论 :初步建立了军队人群流感监测系统 ,掌握了军队战士主要呼吸道病毒的发病率和易感率 ,为流感的预测和预报提供了科学依据 OBJECTIVE: To establish “an influenza surveillance system of the whole army” to obtain epidemiological data of flu and virus variation and epidemic trends and to implement flu forecast and forecast. Methods: According to the principles and methods stipulated by the World Health Organization (WHO): Influenza epidemic strains, antigen and gene mutation, as well as serum antibody and virus multi-pathogen were monitored. Results: Forty strains of pandemic influenza virus and two strains of parainfluenza type Ⅱ were detected in the army. Longitudinal monitoring of the serum antibody of 600 soldiers showed that each soldier was attacked by influenza virus 1.4 times per year on average, 6 7% decrease in a few months. Transverse surveillance of influenza antibodies showed that influenza A (H1N1) antibodies decreased in a ladder pattern from 1995, and the susceptible population increased from 15% to 75%. A type 3 influenza antibody has been at a long-term high level since 1997, which indicates that there will be a mutation. The detection results of multiple pathogens of nasopharyngeal secretions by more than 100 soldiers indicated that the total detection rate of the virus in the epidemic period of influenza outbreak was 70% and the general epidemic season was about 50%. The results of antigenic variation and gene sequencing showed that there was a significant variation in type A influenza strains and found that the identities of the three new strains and standard strains were only 92% and 91%, respectively. The new strains lost 130 amino acids and 30 4 Glycosylation sites. A survey of 14,840 soldiers showed that during the epidemic season, the incidence of influenza was> 21% and the absence of about 500,000 working days. The outbreak of outbreak of military outbreak could be reported within 6h. CONCLUSIONS: The influenza surveillance system for the army population has been initially established, and the incidence and susceptibility of the major respiratory viruses of army fighters have been mastered, providing a scientific basis for the prediction and prediction of influenza
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