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江泽民总书记多次强调:“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”从当今社会的发展和人才需求的角度来看,社会对人才评价标准发生了变化,不但要求知识渊博,而且要求具备创新意识、创新精神和创新能力;再从未来社会学的角度来看,创新教育既是人才培养的基础,又是人才使用的需要,更是时代发展的必然。为适应社会的发展要求,我们的教育观念、教育模式需要不断的改革,我们提倡的创新教育,不但在教育的设备、手段、工具要更新,更重要的是教育观念的更新。数学是基础教育的主要内容,在数学教学中培养学生的创造思维,发展创造力是时代对我们教育提出的要求。培养学生的创新意识和创新能力要成为数学教学的一个重要目的和一条基本原则。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin has repeatedly emphasized that “innovation is the soul of a nation and the inexhaustible motive force for a country’s prosperity.” From the perspective of the development of today’s society and the demand for talented people, society’s evaluation standards for talents have changed. Not only requires knowledgeable, but also requires a sense of innovation, innovation and innovation; from the perspective of future sociology, innovation education is not only the basis for personnel training, but also the need for the use of talent, but also the inevitable development of the times. In order to meet the requirements of social development, our educational concepts and education models need constant reform. The innovation education we advocate is not only updating the equipment, methods, and tools of education, but more importantly, updating educational concepts. Mathematics is the main content of basic education. The cultivation of students’ creative thinking in mathematics teaching and the development of creativity are the requirements of the times for our education. Cultivating students’ innovative awareness and innovative ability should become an important goal and a basic principle of mathematics teaching.
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