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我筹备中央美术学院花鸟画创作高研班时,选学员成为我的首要工作,学员不但要具备花鸟画的创作基础,更要各有所长,以便全班能互补共进。初见李学武的画,水墨淋漓,混沌天然,不同一般,我就十分喜爱。后来逐渐了解到学武工作于青海师范大学,在学校教山水,并先后在首都师范大学美术系研修、中央美术学院水墨人物画工作室专攻人物,他有很全面的 When I was preparing for the advanced study of flower and bird painting creation at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the students were selected as my top priority. Students should not only have the creative foundation of flower and bird painting but also have their own strengths so that the whole class can complement each other. First saw Xue-Wu Li’s paintings, ink dripping, chaotic natural, different general, I very much like. Later, he gradually learned that Xuewu worked in Qinghai Normal University, taught landscapes in schools, studied in the Fine Arts Department of Capital Normal University and later worked as a painter in the Ink Painting Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He has a comprehensive