In FY 2014, five key national soil and water conservation projects and three key provincial soil and water conservation projects were implemented in the province, with a total area of 236,200 hectares of soil and water loss control and 15.6% of the planned total. Increased supervision and law enforcement, implementation of production and construction projects Soil and Water Conservation “three at the same time ” system, man-made soil and water loss prevention and control achieved remarkable results. Silt dam safety work has been strengthened, soil and water conservation national propaganda and education received real results. The main approach: First, focus on the promotion of zoning, the second is the strict construction management, the third is to focus on project management efficiency, and fourth, strengthen training of technical personnel. In 2015, we should focus on water and soil conservation projects, intensify prevention and supervision and management, promote private water and soil conservation, and carry out such tasks as building clean small watersheds.