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本文以河南省605个国家级和省级传统村落为研究对象,借助Arc GIS空间制图方法分析其空间分布特征,借助SPASS统计软件具体研究传统村落分布与各地理要素之间的相关性。主要得到以下结论:河南省传统村落具有大范围分散、小区域聚集的分布格局;海拔越高,留存的传统村落数目就越多,豫北太行山、王屋山,豫西小秦岭、伏牛山及豫南的大别山脚下传统村落的数量相较其他低海拔地区为多;人口密度似与传统村落分布之间没有显著的相关关系,传统村落的保护与传承并不一定受人口多寡的制约;人均GDP水平和传统村落的分布关系不大;从交通水平来看,距离交通线路越近,能够搜索到的传统村落数目越少;对于靠近城镇的传统村落来说,不加限制的城镇化是威胁到它们保护的最大可能。针对以上问题,本文提出了一些对策建议,以保护河南省传统村落提供建议。 In this paper, 605 national and provincial traditional villages in Henan Province as the research object, with the ArcGIS spatial mapping method to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics, with SPASS statistical software to study the relationship between the traditional village distribution and the various geographical elements. The main conclusions are as follows: The traditional villages in Henan Province have the distribution pattern of large-scale scattered and small area gathering. The higher the altitude is, the more the number of traditional villages is preserved. Taihang Mountain, Wangwu Mountain in the north of Henan Province, Xiaoqinling Mountains in Henan Province, The number of traditional villages at the foot of the Dabie Mountains in the south is higher than that of other low-altitude areas. There is no significant correlation between population density and the distribution of traditional villages. The protection and inheritance of traditional villages are not constrained by the population size. The per capita GDP level Which is not related to the distribution of traditional villages. From the traffic level, the fewer traditional villages can be searched from the traffic line. For the traditional villages near cities and towns, urbanization without restrictions is a threat to them The greatest possible protection. In response to the above problems, this paper put forward some countermeasures and suggestions to protect traditional villages in Henan Province to provide advice.
根据2019年国内最新修订后公布的《中国肥胖及2型糖尿病外科治疗指南》,目前被减重代谢外科广泛应用的术式包括3种:腹腔镜胃袖状切除术(laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,LSG