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  摘译自Beautiful Life
  My husband and I faced each other across the clean sheets of the hospital bed. Four-year-old Kate was still happily cranking the foot of it up and down. This was an adventure to her, the first of Daddy’s overnights in the hospital. “When is Daddy coming home?” she had asked me that morning.
   “In a week,” I told her, though it wasn’t the whole truth. Serge would need to be hospitalized for one week in every three for eight months. A lot of overnights. A lot of “When is Daddy coming home?”.
   Nervously I smoothed the already smooth pillow. Serge fingered his beard. “How long,” I wondered, “before the chemotherapy stripped it away?” My husband had worn a full beard for more than twenty years; I had never seen him without it. The monster of cancer was literally going to change the face of our lives.
   A nurse popped her head in the door. “Time to go,” she said, “visiting hours are over.”
   Kate stopped cranking the bed. She took a quick peek under it as though she were checking for something, then picked up her backpack from the chair and carefully unzipped it. She carried that pink and purple backpack with her everywhere. Usually it contained crayons, papers, a couple of picture books, “stuff to do” as Kate called it, for whenever she got bored in the car or in a waiting room. Today she carefully lifted out a stuffed bear named Mishka. Mishka had sat at the foot of Serge’s bed while he was growing up and had been cleaned up and awarded a new red bow when Kate was born. Kate believed Mishka had special powers. “He’s a guard bear,” she said. And he always slept at the foot of her bed. Kate whispered something in Mishka’s ear, hugged him tightly for a minute and then put him in her father’s arms. “He’ll protect you in the night, Daddy,” she said, “whenever monsters come.”
   It was impossible not to cry. All the technical jargons2 I’d been reading about coping with illness, the support groups, the struggle to find the right words to say were swept away in a moment by the innocent compassion of a four-year-old child. She believed that Mishka would stand guard for Serge through all the hospital overnights to come. Her be-lief was magic. My daughter had given her father more than a stuffed bear; she had given him a talis-man against fear.

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