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在明朝初期“台阁体”一直盛行发展到明朝中期尤其是成化、弘治年间,逐渐出现衰退的现象,而明朝书法界面对着强烈的变革趋势与需求,这时候复古之风纷纷响应,每位书法家争先恐后地追崇魏晋唐的书法造诣。而王宠作为“吴门四家”当中的一员恰好生活在此年代,还受到时代潮流的影响,其在祝允明、文徵明等的吴门书派的书法家以及导师好友的赞赏、推崇、帮忙及影响之下,并且王宠的性情平易近人,人品高尚,从而使得它的书法艺术高尚,独成一家,王宠的书法当中就数小楷特别具有较强的个人特色与独特的艺术造诣,让他能够在明朝中期的“吴门书派”当中独具其必不可少的一席之地。本文取王宠的小楷作为案例,并浅显地诠释台阁体对于王宠小楷所造成的影响还有某些主观与客观的因素,探讨王宠小楷的笔法以及当时与台阁体书法的差别,进而对王宠的小楷书法具备的笔法和结体的特点进行梳理,这样才能更加全面地认识王宠小楷艺术的影响,并对当代小楷创作具有哪些启示和借鉴作用。 In the early Ming dynasty, the “Taiwan Cabinet” has been prevailing to mid Ming Dynasty, especially Chenghua, Hongzhi years, gradual decline phenomenon, but the Ming Dynasty calligraphy interface is facing a strong trend of change and demand, this time retro The wind responded, each calligrapher scrambling to calligraphy attainments of Wei, Jin and Tang dynasties. Wang Chong, as one of the “Four Men of Wu Men”, lived just this age and was also influenced by the trend of the times. He praised the calligraphers and supervisors of Wu Men Shu School in Zhu Yunming and Wen Zhengming , Esteem, help and influence, and Wang pet’s temperament approachable, noble character, so that it’s calligraphy art lofty, into a single, Wang Chong’s calligraphy in which a small number of lowercase especially with strong personal characteristics and unique Artistic accomplishments, so that he can in the mid Ming Dynasty “Wu Men School ” have their own indispensable place. This article takes Wang Chong’s small script as a case, and interprets the subjective and objective factors of the impact of the Taiji script on the minor script. It also discusses the style of Wang Chong’s script and the difference between that and the calligraphy of the Taiwan body. And then combs Wang Zong’s calligraphic and structural features of the lowercase calligraphy so that he can have a more complete understanding of the influence of the art of the pet under the influence of Wang Chong and provide some inspiration and reference for the creation of the contemporary lower kaikan.