
来源 :北京体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuan_98
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一、问题的提出我院教学工作会议作出的“一九八三年教学工作概况和一九八四年的任务”决议中,在谈到“加快青年教师的进修步伐”时指出:已补完课的青年教师,在过好教学关的同时,要打好专业理论基础,力争在三至五年内达到相当研究生毕业水平.此项任务,在我院青年教师中引起了巨大的反响,普遍认为:这是加速培养我院青年教师的一项战略任务.我院青年教师的政治素养和业务水平如何,将关系到他们能否接好中、老年教师的班,关系到今后我院的教育质量,关系到能否培养出 First, the question put forward in our hospital teaching work conference made “1983 survey of teaching work and 1984 tasks ” resolution, talking about “to speed up the pace of youth teachers ” pointed out : The young teachers who have completed the course have to lay a good foundation of professional theories while trying their best to teach and strive to achieve a considerable graduate level within three to five years.This task has caused a tremendous It is generally believed that this is a strategic task for accelerating the training of young teachers in our hospital.The political accomplishments and professional skills of young teachers in our hospital will be related to whether they can meet the classes of middle- The quality of education in the hospital is related to whether it can be cultivated
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一直觉得莎拉的专辑总是有一个明显的基调将所有的曲子共融一炉,最后再被打上“made by sarah brightman”的标签。这么说吧,她风格真正成型的专辑我觉得是《Eden》,前期的《
To analyze wind-induced response characteristics of a wind turbine tower more accurately, the blade-tower coupling effect was investigated. The mean wind veloci
我国在远古时代,人们就有着洗澡沐浴的卫生习惯。商·汤就为后人留下了一只刻有铭文的浴盆,这铭文还被著录在《礼记·大学》中。战国时期,屈原在《九歌·东皇 In ancient t
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近几年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,人民生活水平也大幅度提高,农民出行需要改善和进一步提高,因此,本文对城乡客运一体化解决农村群众出行难提出几点建议. In recent years,