提起新闻敏感,人们往往自觉不自觉地仅仅把它和新闻记者联系起来。事实上,报纸编辑有没有新闻敏感,是和新闻记者同等重要的,有时候甚至超过了后者。 1960年3月4日,誉满全球的男中音歌唱家、意大利歌剧表演艺术家雷奥纳德·华伦猝死在纽约大都会歌剧院舞台上。《纽约先驱论坛报》记者格拉蒙仅用了两个多小时便采写出了《歌剧名星在舞台上猝然死去》的轰动新闻,一举获得普利策新闻报道奖。这除了他本人具有较强的职业敏感和
Sensitive news, people often consciously or unconsciously just to link it with journalists. In fact, newspaper editors are not news-critical, just as important as journalists, and sometimes even outnumbering them. March 4, 1960, the world-renowned baritone singer and Italian opera actress Leonard Warren suddenly died on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York. The New York Herald Tribune reporter Grammon took just over two hours to write the sensational news that “the stars of the opera died suddenly on the stage” and won the Pulitzer News Report Award in one fell swoop. This apart from his own strong professionalism and sensitivity