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峰峰矿务局现有生产矿井14对,矿井总生产能力为771万吨/年,实际煤产量从1977年突破年产1000万吨。全局产量的增加全靠老井挖潜、改造及环节调整来实现的。有的矿井产量已实现翻番,新投产矿井的实际生产能力也都超过了设计水平,但这些矿井的提升系统大部分未进行全面改造,还是利用原有的提升设备,仅仅采取了一些弥补提升能力不足的措施。矿井提升绞车在长时期超负荷情况下运行,必然会暴露绞车铁滚筒强度不够这一薄弱环节。其原因是矿井用提升机的卷筒,由于钢丝绳缠绕在铁滚筒板上,铁滚筒板承受的是一种典型的脉动循环载荷,对疲劳强度要求较高,容易使铁滚筒板。产生变形塌陷,并经常剪切断螺丝和铆钉,造成铁滚筒板对口联接处角铁开焊,严重时铁滚筒板上出现裂纹等毛病。过去,曾采用一些加固办法,如:用38kg/m钢轨及厚δ=10mm以上铁板,在滚筒内圈作加固圈;有的在滚筒内加上专门撑子来支撑铁滚筒板,这些做法,效果都不理想。为了解决这一问 Fengfeng Mining Bureau existing production of 14 pairs of mines, mine total production capacity of 7.71 million tons / year, the actual coal production in 1977 exceeded an annual output of 10 million tons. The increase of the overall output depends entirely on tapping the potential of the old wells, transforming and adjusting the links. Some mine production has been doubled, the actual production capacity of new production mines have also exceeded the design level, but most of these mines to upgrade the system has not been fully transformed, or use of the original lifting equipment, just to take some make up to enhance capacity Insufficient measures. Mine hoist in a long period of overload operation, will inevitably expose the winch iron roller strength is not enough of this weak link. The reason for this is that the mills hoist drum, the wire rope wrapped around the iron roller board, iron roller board is subjected to a typical pulsating cycle load, the higher the fatigue strength, easy to make iron roller board. Resulting in deformation and collapse, and often cut off the screws and rivets, resulting in the junction of the iron drum plate angle iron welding, serious iron drum plate cracks and other defects. In the past, some reinforcement measures were used, such as: using 38kg / m rail and a steel plate with a thickness of δ = 10mm or more, for reinforcing the inner ring of the drum; and adding special supporters to the drum to support the iron drum. , The effect is not ideal. In order to solve this question