
来源 :中国麻作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhaoyue
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红麻品种“青皮3号”是1963年从国外引进的高产优质良种。由于没有建立比较完善的红麻良种繁育制度,特别是近几年红麻种子购销体系混乱,部分经营者唯利是图,不顾麻农利益,收购、销售退化种、混杂种、劣种、陈种,再加上无证商贩、个体户插手,使红麻种子质量连年下 Kenaf variety “Qingpi 3” is introduced in 1963 from abroad, high-yielding high-quality seed. Due to the lack of a well-established kenaf breeding system, especially in recent years, the kenaf seed purchasing and marketing system is chaotic. Some operators are mercenary, regardless of the interests of farmers. They purchase and sell degenerated species, mixed species, inferior species, Coupled with undocumented traders, self-employed workers, so that the quality of kenaf seed in successive years
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