Carrying Forward Good Family Tradition in the Course of Inheritance

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  School of Marxism, Southwest Jiaotong University
  Family tradition is the combination of the values, culture, and code of conduct of the whole family. Good family tradition is core of spiritual culture, which deeply influences the whole clansmen as a spiritual creed. Only passing down from generation by generation, can the good family tradition be carried forward ; can it guide and influence the minds and conduction;can it manifest its strong vitality.
  I Cultivating and practicing core socialist values in the course of good family tradition inheritance
  Core socialist values is the treasure leading the inheritance of good family tradition in the new era. Good family tradition possesses the advantages of inherent improvement, invisible education, innate restraint and powerful influence, which qualifies it practices the core socialist values in detail. Blood is thicker than water is a saying describes the deep love among family. Offspring in the family ties tend to trust and believe their elder generation. Therefore, It is easy to accept for young generations to carry forward Core socialist values in the process of family tradition inheritance. In the course of family tradition inheritance, parents or the elder generations spread the core socialist values,such as patriotism, public,integrity,and etc., orally to their younger generation in a way of family instructions or oral account, interpreting and explaining it in living and plain language. Mass communication and media the like should also be used to popularize and spread actively the typical cases and favorable deeds of good family tradition. For instance, the moral model selection and appraise activity on CCTV, the beloved family activity held in some communities, taking advantage of showcase window and bulletin boards to propaganda fine examples, making award for the most beautiful family and chasing for ethic model.
  II Inheriting and carrying forward Chinese traditional culture together with good family tradition inheritance
  Good family tradition is connected with fine traditional culture without separation. Good family tradition is a prominent sign and embodiment of our fine traditional culture. Good family tradition is the presentation of fine traditional culture in the area of family, exerting a positive influence for the family and society. Some thoughts and stories about good family tradition inheritance can be frequently seen in traditional culture of China. Some classical examples such as Kong Rong gives up the biggest pear, stealing the light from neighbor, tattooing patriotic characters on Yue Fei’s back and other examples which advocate harmony, loyalty, filial piety, encourage kindness and punish the evil, and do good things and accumulate bless. Family instructions, made by the whole family, is the standard and norm that every member should be clear and observe. Parents should learn and summarize the family instructions with their children, attend the activities to honor and miss the late ancestors, admire the instructions carved on the ancestral hall and inscription, then practice it in the process of learning, and express from your conduct and carve in mind finally.   III preventing the good family tradition from the erosion of unhealthy social trends
  Family is the first station of people, which deeply impress people with family tradition. Family tradition strengthens the family cohesion, leading the spiritual pursue of the clansman, forming distinct family moral style and fine traditional manner. Family tradition identity means the positive response for their family influence and comprehension and acceptance of the tradition, which is a higher-class imitation and internalization. Parents, therefore, should pick right methods and be good at teaching, and lead the family tradition with clear goal and target, inspiring offspring with many stories of elder generations such as treating people with good manner, managing family industriously and thriftily, establishing business and building up family fortunes. Before teaching by their own examples and conducts, Parents have to enhance their moral cultivation, restrict their conducts strictly, and set a good example for good family tradition inheritance. Under the influence of good family tradition, clansman have to memorize the requirement to gain the inborn immunity for bad practice, and then pose a firm stand required by good family tradition , and finally protect them from the infringement of bad practice.
(西南民族大学文学与新闻传播学院,四川 成都 610041)  【摘要】:随着计算机技术的发展和互联网的普及,出现了一种新型的语言形式,即网络用语,网络用语是一种新型的语言形式,网络用语的产生和发展都与文化的发展密不可分。本文主要是阐述文化语言学的定义以及研究内容、网络用语的定义和从文化语言学的角度解析网络用语的产生背景及对文化的影响。  【关键词】:网络用语;文化语言学  在写这篇论文时,首先要
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(武汉大学,湖北 武汉 430072)  【摘要】:道教素来有“我命由我不由天”这种人定胜天的主张。本文由此观点为切入点,分析道教与其他宗教相较而言的三个特性:对比佛教与道教的人生观;儒家与道家的自然观;基督教与道教的方法论。最终浅析在这种道教思想影响下的中国文化的特性。  【关键词】:道教;特性;重现世;人生观;自然观;方法论  一.道教里“我命由我不由天”的观点阐述  “命由我造,福自我求”,
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(大連科技学院,辽宁 大連 116052)
(西南科技大学文学与艺术学院,四川 绵阳 621010)  【摘要】:“有”字句是指“有”在句子中作B段的存在句,這种句子在存在句中最多最普遍。“有”字从上古之今,一直表“存在”语义,并且使用特别广泛、特别频繁,而且“有”字存在句在许多作品中数量都特别巨大。  【关键词】:“二拍”;“有”字句;存在句  一、引言  “有”字句是指“有”在句子中作B段的存在句,这种句子在存在句中最多最普遍,“有”在
(浙江农林大学, 浙江 杭州 311300)  【摘要】:随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人可以将更多的精力放在文化精神领域的追求上。长期以来的历史底蕴,造就了非凡的文化历史,这些丰富多彩的文化历史也给建筑行业带来了深远的影响。一个人的文化内涵决定了这个人的外在气质,一座城市的文化积淀决定了这座建筑的古韵风情。即使在快经济和快消费时代的今天,人们不断加快城市化建设的现在,仍然十分重视文化底蕴的基
(西北政法大学刑事法学院,陕西 西安 710061)  【摘要】:儒家的礼治、无讼、义利等对后世影响深远。费孝通先生与梁治平先生对儒家文化的发展和看法,梁治平先生对中国传统文化否定批判比较多,而费孝通先生对待传统文化的态度更客观一些。  【关键词】费孝通;梁治平;中国传统文化  文化的形成经历了漫长的过程,先秦时期儒家只是诸子百家中的一家,直到汉武帝时确立了独尊的地位,并从此居于正统地位。  一、
(台州学院,浙江 临海 317000)  【摘要】:台州葭沚每年的“送大暑”仪式是以“以五圣为主,多庙合作”的框架组织起来的跨社区庙庆活动。“送大暑”仪式所承载的文化内容既包括“本地/外地”的界别仪式实践,也包括“本地内部多声部的界别叙述。本文以“五圣”传说为切入点,说明在该地区在“村”“庙”“神”之间形成的社区身份观念。  【关键词】:送大暑;界别叙事;社区身份。  葭沚镇地位位置在椒江市西,驻
(绍兴市柯桥区平水镇中心幼儿园,浙江 绍兴 312000)  【摘要】:大自然中生物生长蕴含着千变万化的奥秘和规律,幼儿园自然角是孩子们认识大自然的一个窗口,如何激发幼儿对自然界中万物生长奥秘的好奇心,本文从放手、支持、创设、拓展四个方面让幼儿自主规划、自主探索、自主交流等进行了介绍,从而培养幼儿认真专注、积极探究等学习品质,以促进幼儿自主管理能力的发展,让幼儿真正成为自然角的主人。  【关键词】