
来源 :地球物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:firexuan1983
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本文分析了2001年2月和3月期间ClusterⅡ穿越磁层顶前后的观测资料,检测到13个通量传输事件(FTEs).用多颗卫星磁场测量资料的最小方差分析(MVAB)方法确定FTE的管轴方向(其中6个方向较可靠).FTE管轴方向的分布和低纬处不同,在磁顶法线坐标系LMN中对M轴有较大偏离,比较靠近L轴.deHoffmann-Teller(HT)分析指出,13个FTEs都存在一个很好的HT参考系,表明它们以一个准稳的MHD结构运动.对垂直于管轴方向的运动分析表明FTEs并不一定和背景等离子体一起对流,它们可快于或慢于背景流,但FTEs的运动和背景流基本沿相同方向,其间可有一不大的夹角.在HT坐标系中,10个FTEs的等离子体速度接近零,其他3个FTEs的等离子体速度约为局地Alfven波速的14%,都不符合Walen关系.其中北半球事件的Walen曲线为正斜率,南半球事件为负斜率,这说明等离子体沿磁力线(北半球顺着磁场,南半球逆着磁场)流向磁层. This paper analyzes the observed data before and after Cluster II traverses the top of the magnetosphere during February and March 2001 and detects 13 flux events (FTEs). FTEs are determined by the least-squares analysis of variance (MVAB) Of the tube axis direction (of which 6 directions more reliable.) FTE tube axis direction distribution and low latitude Department, in the top of the magnetic top-line coordinate system LMN M axis deviate from the larger, close to the L axis.deHoffmann-Teller (HT) analysis shows that all 13 FTEs have a good HT reference system, indicating that they move in a quasi-steady MHD structure. The analysis of the motion perpendicular to the tube axis shows that FTEs do not necessarily flow together with the background plasma , They can be faster or slower than the background flow, but the FTEs motion and background flow basically along the same direction, with a small angle between them.In the HT coordinate system, 10 FTEs plasma velocity close to zero, the other 3 The plasma velocities of FTEs are about 14% of the local Alfven wave velocities, which are not in accordance with the Walen relation, in which the Walen curve in the Northern Hemisphere is a positive slope and the southern hemisphere is a negative slope, indicating that the plasma follows the magnetic field lines (the northern hemisphere follows the magnetic field, Southern hemisphere against the magnetic field) flow Floor.
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