【目的】研究体外受精与胚胎移植 (IVF ET)妊娠的围产情况。【方法】应用病例对照方法 ,在控制孕周、妊娠胎数及分娩方式情况下 ,选择在中山医科大学附属第一医院行IVF ET妊娠并在本院住院分娩的 92例产妇与同期、同数量自然妊娠产妇 92例作对照 ,研究IVF ET妊娠的围生情况。【结果】IVF ET妊娠与同样胎数的自然受孕婴儿体重及主要产科并发症如妊高征、产后出血、胎膜早破、死胎、新生儿窒息、糖耐量异常无明显差别 ,但IVF ET妊娠的多胎妊娠的并发症较单胎妊娠高 ,胎儿体重明显较低。【结论】IVF ET技术对宫内妊娠胎儿生长无明显影响。
【Objective】 To study the perinatal outcome of pregnancy with IVF ET. 【Methods】 Ninety-two maternal women with IVF ET were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University during the control of gestational age, gestational age and modes of delivery. 【Method】 Ninety- 92 cases of spontaneous pregnancy as control, study the perinatal IVF ET pregnancy. 【Results】 There was no significant difference in body weight and major obstetric complications such as PIH, postpartum hemorrhage, premature rupture of membranes, stillbirth, neonatal asphyxia and impaired glucose tolerance in IVF ET pregnancies with the same number of births Multiple pregnancy complications than singleton pregnancy, fetal weight was significantly lower. 【Conclusion】 The technique of IVF ET has no obvious effect on fetal growth in intrauterine pregnancy.