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2005年9月2日,在玉柴沈阳分公司有关人员的陪同下,记者一行来到东北钢城——鞍山,走访了销售配装玉柴6M宇霸柴油机重卡的经销商——鞍山市众鑫汽车销售有限公司和部分使用玉柴6M的用户,倾听他们对玉柴6M重机、玉柴企业理念和服务体系的认识和评价。情有独钟——来自经销商的评价俗话说:靠山吃山,靠水吃水。鞍山的10余座矿山成就了鞍钢,也成就了许多从事矿石运输的运输户,许多人由此致了富。据了解,成立于1997年的众鑫汽车销售有限公司,当时正是看到了这一巨大商机,把经销店开到了家门口,大大方便了鞍山地区用户。公司从成立至今已销售了近3000辆卡车,不仅成为鞍山市第一家也是目前唯一一家中重卡经销商,而且是鞍山市一级维修企业。当记者一行来到公司门口时,只见硕大的公司牌匾以及“玉柴鞍山众鑫技术服务站”、“重庆红岩特约服务店”等牌匾格外醒目。该公司的孙副总和原副总率有关部门负责人十分热情地接待了我们。孙副总首先简要介绍了众鑫公司的发展情况以及与玉柴的合作情况,原副总具体介绍了用户对从本公司购买的配装玉柴6M的红岩重卡的反映情况。 On September 2, 2005, accompanied by relevant staff from Yuchai Shenyang Branch, the reporter and his entourage came to Steel City-Anshan in northeast China and visited the dealer who sells the heavy truck with Yuchai 6M Yuba Diesel Engine-Anshan Xin Automotive Sales Co., Ltd. and some users of Yuchai 6M, listened to their understanding and evaluation of Yuchai 6M heavy machine and Yuchai business philosophy and service system. Soft spot - From the dealer’s evaluation As the saying goes: Back to the mountains, water by water. Anshan Iron and Steel more than 10 mines completed Anshan Iron and Steel, also achieved a lot of transport operators engaged in ore transport, many people have made rich. It is understood that the Zhongxin Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997, when it was just to see this huge business opportunities, the dealership opened to the front of the home, greatly facilitate the Anshan users. Since the establishment of the company has sold nearly 3,000 trucks, Anshun City has not only become the first and is currently the only one in the heavy truck dealers, and Anshan City, a maintenance company. When a reporter and his entourage came to the front of the company, I saw a huge company plaque and “Yuchai Anshan Zhongxin technical service station” and “Chongqing Hongyan special service shop” and other placards especially eye-catching. The deputy head of Sun’s vice president and vice president of the company received us with great enthusiasm. Vice President Sun first briefly introduced the development of Zhongxin Company and the cooperation with Yuchai. The former vice president introduced the user’s reflection of the purchase of Hongyan Heavy Truck fitted with Yuchai 6M from the Company.
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5月31日—6月10日,为期11天的drupa 2016将在德国杜塞尔多夫展览中心举行.drupa 2016期间,小森公司将在第15展厅D04展位展示先进的印刷技术和解决方案,希望能帮助广大用户获