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原以为美国也像上海一样,多高楼大厦,繁华而喧闹,但我们到过的大部分城市却是宁静的我们是由美国西部入境的,也就是通常所说的大洋彼岸,大洋指的是太平洋,而华盛顿、纽约则是在美国的另一端——东部,纽约位于美国东海岸,濒临的是大西洋。我们所到达、访问的第一个城市是洛杉矶。洛杉矶是美国的第三大城市,前两位是纽约和芝加哥,而首都华盛顿仅是美国的政治中心不在全美三大城市之列。到了洛杉矶后,给我们的第一形象是,它不像一个繁华大都市,而更像一个田园城市。坐车观景,市内高楼大厦仅有数得清的几幢,且局限于中心城区内;马路上难得见到几个行人,没有自行车、助动车和摩托车,只有汽车流飞驶而过,但听不到喇叭声;商店、餐饮店有一些,但远非鳞次栉比, Originally thought that the United States is also like Shanghai, more high-rise buildings, bustling and noisy, but most of the cities we have been quiet we are from the western United States immigrants, which is commonly referred to as the other side of the oceans, the ocean refers to the Pacific Ocean , While Washington and New York are on the other side of the United States - the east, with New York on the east coast of the United States and on the verge of the Atlantic. The first city we arrived to visit was Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the third largest city in the United States, with the top two cities being New York and Chicago. Washington, the capital of the capital, is the only political center in the United States that is not in the top three cities in the United States. After arriving in Los Angeles, give us the first image is that it is not like a bustling metropolis, but more like an idyllic city. Car viewing, the city high-rise buildings only a few clear, and limited to the central city; rare to see a few pedestrians on the road, no bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles, only the car flew past, but Can not hear the horn; shops, restaurants have some, but far from row upon row,
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Nano-amorphous TiO2 was prepared by a sol-gel method. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that the composite elec
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