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水是人体所需的六大营养要素之一,有“生命源泉”之说,但饮用污染、不洁的水会诱发多种疾病。目前除饮用自来水外,市场上又相继出现了磁化水、太空水、纯净水、离子水等等,面对这琳琅满目、花样翻新的水,应该喝什么水更有利于健美呢? 矿泉水按照国内外统一标准,凡在地下超过2410米深、温度90℃以上、水中溶解的石英(二氧化硅)超过38.6毫克/立升,并达到锌、锂、锶、碘、溴、硒、偏酸硅、矿化度等8项指标中的一项,又符合卫生要求的水就是天然矿泉水。矿泉水分为碳酸型、硅酸型和含锌、锂、碘等 Water is one of the six major nutrients required by the human body. It is said to be “the source of life.” However, drinking contaminated and unclean water can induce many diseases. In addition to drinking tap water, the market has emerged magnetized water, space water, pure water, ionized water, etc., in the face of this dazzling array of water, water should be refreshed, what kind of water should be more conducive to bodybuilding it? Mineral water in accordance with domestic Under the unified standard, all quartz and silica dissolved in water over 38.6 mg / L and above zinc, lithium, strontium, iodine, bromine and selenium, , Mineralization and other indicators of one of the eight, but also meet the health requirements of the water is a natural mineral water. Mineral water is divided into carbonate type, silicate type and zinc, lithium, iodine and so on
一提到“洗头”,或许有人不以为然,谁不会洗头呢?其实,看似简单的洗发还有很多的讲究呢。 1、定时洗发要保持头发的健康、秀丽,除了每天要精心护理外,最重要的莫过于定时洗
新娘在婚前要做哪些准备?不妨订个计划,以免结婚时不知所措。 What to do before the wedding the bride to prepare? May wish to set a plan, so as not to know what to
一、SPF值越大价格越高 SPF——防晒指数,其数值大小的不同,意味着防紫外线功效的差异与运用范围的不同,如表一: First, the greater the SPF value The higher the price
回归自然,成了二十世纪末叶世界性的呼声,而森林浴这项亲近自然的绿色运动,迎合了时代之需。 Returning to nature, it became a worldwide voice at the end of the twenti
美不依赖于外在权威,不旁牵他涉。独立不依,圆满自足,自由自在。总之—— The United States does not rely on external authority and does not depend on him. Independe