
来源 :数学季刊(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whm9903
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Mukerjee and Wu(2001) employed projective geometry theory to find the wordlength pattern of a regular mixed factorial design in terms of its complementary set,but only for the numbers of words of length 3 or 4. In this paper, by introducing a concept of consulting design and based on the connection between factorial design theory and coding theory, we obtain some combinatorial identities that relate the wordlength pattern of a regular mixed-level (2γ)2n factorial design to that of its consulting design. Consequently, a general rule for identifying minimum aberration (2γ)2n factorial designs through their consulting designs is established. It is an improvement and generalization of the related result in Mukerjee and Wu(2001).
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