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分辨率:600×1200dpi 现在,世界主要的专业扫描仪厂家如Microtek、Agfa等均已经停产了300×600dpi扫描仪,这一档次产品马上就要淘汰,不可再选用。600×1200dpi已经成为商务办公甚至小型出版行业的新标准,而更高分辨率的产品受技术和生产成本的影响短期内不可能大幅度降价,也就是说600×1200dpi的扫描仪短期内不会被淘汰。色彩位数:36bit 色彩位数作为衡量扫描仪色彩还原能力的主要指标,经历了24bit到30bit再到36bit的过渡,而36bit实际上是保证扫描仪实现色彩校正、准确还原色彩的基础,同时各主要扫描仪厂家也已经停止了低色彩位数扫描仪的生产,因此,不宜选用低于36bit的扫描仪。至于更高色彩位数的产品,如42bit,目前价格仍然奇高,因而不可能作为一般用途使用。而目前市场上的一些廉价48bit扫描仪,其48bit与其它扫描仪的36bit色彩位数不是统一的测量标准。不能直接进行比较。只可以参照同等价位的其它24bit、 Resolution: 600 × 1200dpi Now, the world’s major professional scanner manufacturers such as Microtek, Agfa, etc. have discontinued the 300 × 600dpi scanner, this product will soon be eliminated, not to use. 600 × 1200dpi has become the business office or even a small publishing industry, a new standard, and higher resolution products by the impact of technology and production costs in the short term it is impossible to significantly lower prices, that 600 × 1200dpi scanner will not be short term Be eliminated. Color median: 36bit Color median scanner as a measure of color reproduction capacity of the main indicators, has gone through the 24bit to 30bit to 36bit transition, and 36bit is actually to ensure that the scanner to achieve color correction, accurately restore the color of the foundation, at the same time The main scanner manufacturers have also stopped the production of low color digit scanners, therefore, should not be less than 36bit scanner selection. As for products with higher color digits, such as 42bit, the current price is still unusually high, so it can not be used for general purposes. And some cheap 48bit scanners on the market at present, its 48bit and other scanners 36bit color median is not a unified measurement standard. Can not be directly compared. Can only refer to the same price of the other 24bit,
本文提出了讯号对网络匹配的概念,在分析某些微波网络时应用这一概念,可使问题简单明了。文中给出了一个应用实例。 In this paper, the concept of signal to network matc
1 西部地区要实施环保型开发方略 ,建立生态安全体系实施西部大开发战略为西部地区的经济发展和生态环境建设创造了前所未有的历史机遇。如何在加速西部地区经济腾飞的同时
详细介绍TMP方法在齐鲁石化公司第二化肥厂预测一段炉对流段各组预热器寿命的应用情况 ,指出该法对延长换热管的寿命和预测换热器的更换起到较好的参考作用。 The paper int